京倫精機自1984 年春天投入軟管充填封尾機市場,優先考慮《顧客利益》,一直致力於研發人性化高品質的設備。 目前銷售已逾千台,不斷的創新及進步是我們永續經營的理念,獲得客戶有口皆碑品質讚賞使我們深感榮幸。 本公司已通過ISO9001:2000,建立並實施品質管理系統,達到精益求精顧客滿意。
KENTEX was established in the spring of 1984 focusing on the tube filling and sealing machine sector. Taking into priority "customer satisfaction" principles, constant efforts were put into the research and developments to provide a user friendly and high quality machine. Currently, sales have surpassed a thousand units. Our continuous aim in developing new and advanced innovative machines has been our stream of business. Kentex enrolled and passed the ISO 9001:2000 to maintain a quality control system efficient to provide customer satisfaction.