伊歐科技股份有限公司 EO介紹
歐科技公司是世界第一專業鐳射應用設備製造商,主要從事雷射機械設備之買賣;擁有為數不少的客戶群。本公司研究與開發多種鐳射應用設備,如:Water Level CSP Marker、Laser Marker(ND:YAG、CO2、Green、UV)、Laser Cleaner(IC殘膠鐳射清除機)、Laser PCB&Substrate Via hold Driller、Glass Marker、Glass Cutter(研發中)、Laser Trimmer、Laser Welder。
EO Technics is the worldwide leader in the laser-based application industries.
with more than 19 years of dedication in developing laser technology & applications, we've been brought a wide range of products in laser marking, drilling, trimming & cutting. EO Technics has achieved an eminent position as a laser-based equipment supplier in the field of Semiconductor, PCB, FPD, telecommunication & genera
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- 達鼎雷射股份有限公司 電話:04-22760765
- 坤洸機械興業有限公司 電話:06-5784779
- 樺欽機械廠有限公司 電話:06-2533636