健鼎科技股份有限公司坐落於桃園平鎮的工廠於1998年的三月正式量產,成為專業的印刷電路板生產廠商健鼎科技深深瞭解顧客滿意的重要性。 桃園地區有全球數量最多的印刷電路板協力廠商,健鼎科技位於桃園平鎮的工廠,有能力提供世界級的製程能力及技術給全球的客戶。
健鼎科技,客戶已經遍及全球我們提供客戶精準的多層板製造技術、準確的交貨時程、於預算內充分的滿足客戶的需求。財務穩定的成長我們承諾達成全面的客戶滿意、研發新製程能力、投資更先進的機具設備。傾聽客戶的聲音,我們願意並能夠協助客戶成功以最經濟的成本、最良好的品質 。藉由此牢不可分的夥伴關係,我們深知客戶的成功是健鼎成長的動力。
Tripod Technology Corporation completed the construction of our new Taoyuan factory and transferred our manufacturing operations to this facility in March of 1998. As a manufacturer of printed circuit boards, we have well learned the importance of fulfilling our customer needs.
Our new and modern factory is located in Taoyuan, Taiwan, which has the world highest population of printed circuit board shops. Our new plant, is supported by Taoyuan's significant PCB infrastructure, and enables Tripod to offer world class printed circuit board solutions to our customers. Today, we serve customers which span the glob
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