僑集科技股份有限公司 信息
電話 | 02-26274567 |
地址 | 台北市內湖區瑞湖街103號7樓 |
類別 | 電機電子器材 |
尚未設定 | |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
” The Best Memory in Your Life ”
僑集科技成立於西元1994年,最初營業項目以記憶體模組之買賣及境外公司在台之採購代理為主。在 孟董事長及經營團隊的努力下,業務蒸蒸日上,於2001年擴大營業,成立自有之生產線,並遷址於內湖科學園區,同年並榮獲經濟部國際貿易局表揚名列全國前1000大出進口績優廠商,2001年起晉升為全國前500大出進口績優廠商。
僑集科技以記憶體儲存裝置之生產與銷售經驗為本,充分掌握後PC時代的產業脈動, 所生產銷售的DRAM與Flash相關應用產品,市場含蓋了個人電腦、工業用電腦、網路通訊、消費性電子與資訊家電等3C產業,展望未來, 僑集科技將秉持著”The Best Memory in Your Life “ 之宗旨,朝向成為” 世界級之記憶體儲存裝置領導廠商”之路邁進。
Veritech Industrial Ltd., was founded in 1994 as a manufacturer of single/double sided, multi-layered memory modules, and peripheral products for personal computers. Today, Veritech is an internationally recognized corporation with offices and distributors worldwide. The experience of our management team in computer manufacturing, systems development, and international trade spans over 25 years.
Our mission is to provide reliable products at competitive prices to our customers. Quality and service is the backbone of our business philosophy. Our consistent certification by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO 9001:2000) confirms our strong dedication to service and quality. With an onsite production facility, Veritech is able to ensure stock availability, prompt delivery, and vigorous quality control measures.
僑集科技成立於西元1994年,最初營業項目以記憶體模組之買賣及境外公司在台之採購代理為主。在 孟董事長及經營團隊的努力下,業務蒸蒸日上,於2001年擴大營業,成立自有之生產線,並遷址於內湖科學園區,同年並榮獲經濟部國際貿易局表揚名列全國前1000大出進口績優廠商,2001年起晉升為全國前500大出進口績優廠商。
僑集科技以記憶體儲存裝置之生產與銷售經驗為本,充分掌握後PC時代的產業脈動, 所生產銷售的DRAM與Flash相關應用產品,市場含蓋了個人電腦、工業用電腦、網路通訊、消費性電子與資訊家電等3C產業,展望未來, 僑集科技將秉持著”The Best Memory in Your Life “ 之宗旨,朝向成為” 世界級之記憶體儲存裝置領導廠商”之路邁進。
Veritech Industrial Ltd., was founded in 1994 as a manufacturer of single/double sided, multi-layered memory modules, and peripheral products for personal computers. Today, Veritech is an internationally recognized corporation with offices and distributors worldwide. The experience of our management team in computer manufacturing, systems development, and international trade spans over 25 years.
Our mission is to provide reliable products at competitive prices to our customers. Quality and service is the backbone of our business philosophy. Our consistent certification by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO 9001:2000) confirms our strong dedication to service and quality. With an onsite production facility, Veritech is able to ensure stock availability, prompt delivery, and vigorous quality control measures.
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