億芳能源科技股份有限公司 EVERPHOTON介紹
億芳能源科技股份有限公司成為台灣三五族聚光型太陽能電池系統(High Concentration Photovoltaic IIIV Solar Cell)的領導廠商,主要投資者包括全球前五大LED封裝廠商億光電子(www.everlight.com)以及電子級化學品大廠義芳化學。我們著重於三五族聚光型太陽能關鍵零組件的設計與製造,提供系統整合的解決方案,帶動產業上下游的資源整合。
億芳能源的三五族聚光型太陽能發電系統採用高精度的雙軸太陽追蹤器來全日追蹤太陽的方向,以超高倍數(X500~1000)菲涅爾鏡片(Fresnel Lens)將陽光聚集於較小面積的高效率三五族太陽能電池上,由於隨時聚集直射陽光可大大提高效能, 其光電轉換效率(Photovoltaic Conversion Rate)極高,每單位面積的發電量遠高於一般傳統矽晶太陽能模組,因此系統架設面積小,極具成本效益。
Founded in 2007, EVERPHOTON Energy Corp. is the leading HCPV company in Taiwan invested by a worldwide top 5 LED packaging house –Everlight Electronics (www.everlight.com)and a major electronics chemical producer - Yee Fong Chemical . We dedicate ourselves to incorporating state-of-the-art technology with CPV key components and HCPV total solution. We have been aggressive in creating our own destiny with a global perspective and cutting- edge technology. By pursuing high module conversion efficiency and reliable performance, we provide the outstanding power system with higher output but smaller area, even with lo