優必達科技有限公司 信息
電話 | 02-27176123 |
地址 | 台北市松山區復興北路143號8樓 |
類別 | 資訊通訊 |
尚未設定 | |
網站 | http://www.ubitus.net |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
優必達科技是一家由矽谷、台灣及大中華區團隊於2007年共同成立的公司,專注於將雲端運算(Cloud Computing)運用在影音多媒體以及娛樂領域的軟體公司,希望藉由其分散式雲端軟體平台,將豐富的網際網路或多媒體內容隨時隨地的供消費者使用與分 享,達到「全程全網,互連互通」的理想。公司對市場的長期投資策略、重視各地用戶需求的做法,與當地研發人員密切的合作關係,能讓我們提供全球市場領導性 的優良產品,藉著消費者行為的充分觀察,能讓我們在未來的數位家庭生活中,帶給消費者前所未有的體驗及感受。
優必達科技在台灣、中國、韓國設有 RD研發中心,並在東京、首爾、矽谷設有SM業務辦公室與技術展示中心。
Ubitus成熟創新的雲端多媒體技術核心於2009年獲選為NVIDIA五大最佳科技價值企業獎,並獲得日本NTT集團,韓國三星電子等大企業的訂單以及投資,成為支持三星多款智慧手機Pocket Media影音服務以及NTT DoCoMo上線的影像編輯轉檔等商業服務的核心技術提供商。
Ubitus Inc. a leading software platform provider for fixed-mobile convergence applications, founded by a group of entrepreneurs and professionals from Silicon Valley and Greater China region.
We aim to offer ease of use and an exciting experience for people to instantly share and access any digital content stored in the different devices (they owned) with friends, colleagues, and communities regardless of where they are and what devices they use.
We’ve gotten to where we are today by hiring the smartest and most passionate people we can find, and proved ourselves not only to well-known Venture Capitalists, but also buy-in from leading industry players in the mobility world. Our engineers come from diverse backgrounds, and there’s no such thing as a ”typical” ubitus engineer.
Some are fresh out of colleges with lots of technical competition awards and honors, while others have joined after working at leading international software and IT companies, or at companies they started themselves.
Our engineers enjoy making products that millions of people use, living in a fast-paced and high-energy environment, solving tough technological challenges, and working on a team of people who are just as talented as they are. If these things also appeal to you, we encourage you to apply.
優必達科技在台灣、中國、韓國設有 RD研發中心,並在東京、首爾、矽谷設有SM業務辦公室與技術展示中心。
Ubitus成熟創新的雲端多媒體技術核心於2009年獲選為NVIDIA五大最佳科技價值企業獎,並獲得日本NTT集團,韓國三星電子等大企業的訂單以及投資,成為支持三星多款智慧手機Pocket Media影音服務以及NTT DoCoMo上線的影像編輯轉檔等商業服務的核心技術提供商。
Ubitus Inc. a leading software platform provider for fixed-mobile convergence applications, founded by a group of entrepreneurs and professionals from Silicon Valley and Greater China region.
We aim to offer ease of use and an exciting experience for people to instantly share and access any digital content stored in the different devices (they owned) with friends, colleagues, and communities regardless of where they are and what devices they use.
We’ve gotten to where we are today by hiring the smartest and most passionate people we can find, and proved ourselves not only to well-known Venture Capitalists, but also buy-in from leading industry players in the mobility world. Our engineers come from diverse backgrounds, and there’s no such thing as a ”typical” ubitus engineer.
Some are fresh out of colleges with lots of technical competition awards and honors, while others have joined after working at leading international software and IT companies, or at companies they started themselves.
Our engineers enjoy making products that millions of people use, living in a fast-paced and high-energy environment, solving tough technological challenges, and working on a team of people who are just as talented as they are. If these things also appeal to you, we encourage you to apply.