Tsuang Mei Oil Seal Factory Company (TMSF) is a remarkable manufacturer in the sealing product market. TMSF is a professional manufacturer and specialist in Oil Seals & Molded Rubber Parts, which are in different applications, such as automobile、machinery、 water-treatment systems and industrial components, among others. TMSF produces seals on an OEM basis. All standard models and types are available. For special applications or usage, TMSF also customize your own designs or samples for producing seals to meet specifications in exact details. Its various products are exported to overseas market all over the world.
- 海億RO淨水器材量販店 電話:06-3589391
- 鄧元工業股份有限公司 電話:04-25665150
- 山本山實業股份有限公司 電話:03-4281334
- 兆群飲水有限公司 電話:03-3585222
- 台灣恩慈股份有限公司 電話:02-28981518
- 巨程精工有限公司 電話:07-6525816
- 力國貿企業社 電話:07-6934781
- 獨特風淨水生活館 電話:02-26496116
- 葳錦興業有限公司 電話:08-7511181
- 菉水有限公司 電話:02-86461111#60