利翔航太電子股份有限公司 AAI 信息

類別電子系統 通訊 多媒體系統 液晶顯示器 座椅顯示器 視訊分配器 客艙介面控制器 控制 設計

利翔航太電子股份有限公司 AAI介紹

本公司是國內第一家民航航電公司,從事航空工業液晶顯示器、客艙多媒體系統開發等,產品計有座椅顯示器、視訊分配器、客艙介面控制器、客艙可收放液晶顯示器等。前兩項產品已通過嚴格的 FAA 適航認證,進而以航太開發技術,切入陸面、水面高級運輸「乘客系統」的設計整合,包括前瞻的通訊網路產品技術之研發。
AeroVision Avionics Inc. (AAI) was incorporated in 1997 to pursue business in the area of avionics and in-flight entertainment (IFE). Its core competitiveness consists of systems engineering and integration of information entertainment systems for passenger cabins of civil aviation. AAI is an ISO 9001 certified company located in the Science-based Industrial Park in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Currently, AAI has six departments, i.e., Sales & Marketing, Research & Development, Operations, General Administrat

Over the past ten years, AAI has progressively built up its marketing and technical experience. We are not only capable of LRU design, testing, and manufacturing, but also confident that our designs and products are reliable with maintainability according to FAA certified testing procedures. Being a preferred supplier of many IFE systems providers in the world for over ten years further affirms that AAI is capable of developing and producing in-flight entertainment products. Moreover, AAI has even expanded the field to railway by delivering a Train Information and Entertainment System (TIES) in 2001 to a major Australian company.

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