取德工業股份有限公司 信息
電話 | 05-5517857 |
地址 | 雲林縣斗六市雲科路3段33號 |
類別 | 金屬製品 |
尚未設定 | |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
由於全球對高品質醫療的需求日增,本公司持續不斷研發新產品來因應;而高品質、高單價的腳輪產品更是本公司長期的研究目標:包括銷售於日本與美國市場的「PT車輪架(中華民國專利新式樣)」、「BB-TEK具定向及煞車功能之迴轉式車輪(中華民國專利新型)」及最新開發出的避震輪(suspension caster)也已獲得中華民國專利新型的「Futura車輪緩衝結構專利(美國發明專利;日本發明專利)」,及2008年申請通過美國專利的TT腳輪,而其中最新的避震輪設計也依據客戶特殊客製需求做調整修改,目前已著手進行訂單試產。
Catis had been manufacturing castors and wheels for three decades. During this period, besides supplying its clients worldwide with standard and customs made products, it also designs and produces parts for mobile equipments to the satisfaction
of a demanding few.
Naturally, none of these could have happened without its commitment in quality, and as a safe guard against substandard parts being used, routine testing to its products are carried out prior to their release into the market.
由於全球對高品質醫療的需求日增,本公司持續不斷研發新產品來因應;而高品質、高單價的腳輪產品更是本公司長期的研究目標:包括銷售於日本與美國市場的「PT車輪架(中華民國專利新式樣)」、「BB-TEK具定向及煞車功能之迴轉式車輪(中華民國專利新型)」及最新開發出的避震輪(suspension caster)也已獲得中華民國專利新型的「Futura車輪緩衝結構專利(美國發明專利;日本發明專利)」,及2008年申請通過美國專利的TT腳輪,而其中最新的避震輪設計也依據客戶特殊客製需求做調整修改,目前已著手進行訂單試產。
Catis had been manufacturing castors and wheels for three decades. During this period, besides supplying its clients worldwide with standard and customs made products, it also designs and produces parts for mobile equipments to the satisfaction
of a demanding few.
Naturally, none of these could have happened without its commitment in quality, and as a safe guard against substandard parts being used, routine testing to its products are carried out prior to their release into the market.