Matsunichi Digital Technology Limited; established in 2003, is the Taiwan subsidiary of Matsunichi group. With Headquarter in Hong Kong, 5 oversea branches and 5 manufacturing plants in China, Matsunichi Group is the leading consumer electronic vendor provide broad range of IT and consumer electronic products. The core company of Matsunichi group; Matsunichi Communication Holdings Limited was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 283) in 2003. Currently Matsunichi group employs 3,000 people worldwide and the entire group's mission is to become the worldwide leader in digital entertainment products
- 捷力威科技有限公司(ic燒錄、taping服務) 電話:02-26897811#112
- 竹科廣播股份有限公司 (IC之音 FM97.5) 電話:03-5163975
- 竹科廣播股份有限公司 (IC之音 FM97.5) 電話:03-5163975
- 竹科廣播股份有限公司 (IC之音 FM97.5) 電話:03-5163975
- 永豐福貿易有限公司 電話:02-22918872
- 佑昕科技有限公司 電話:092-7420921
- 鑫燁實業有限公司 電話:02-26686951
- 尚立股份有限公司 電話:02-87973566
- 連進科技股份有限公司 電話:02-85227068
- 光菱電子股份有限公司 電話:02-26981143