威創記憶體股份有限公司成立於2010年,以DRAM專業供應商為定位,主要產品為:Module (Original, ETT, UTT and FT), Chips, Memory Card (Micro SD, SD Card and flash drive).並提供OEM服務。對於我們的產品提供終身保固或一年的服務,讓客戶對於威創產品的售後服務無後顧之憂。我們的專業銷售團隊加上強大的背景與優異的客戶服務,永遠提供您最佳的服務。
Welltron Technology Corp. located in Taipei, Taiwan. We are specialist in the production variety of DRAM: Module (Original, ETT, UTT and FT), Chips, Memory Card (Micro SD, SD Card and flash drive). OEM service available. We sell DRAM worldwide. Lifetime warranty in major brand, one year warranty in OEM. Welltron definitely will be a leading memory storage manufacturer in the world.
With professional staff, outstanding techn
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