巨孚儀器工業股份有限公司(GIANT FORCE INSTRUMENT ENTERPRISE CO. , LTD .),係一溫濕度環境設備之專業製造廠,自1983年2月成立以來,始終秉持著「品質至上,服務至上;邀您參與,共享共存」的經營理念,不但與國外客戶建立緊密的合作關係,營業額及產品研發能力亦不斷成長。
巨孚公司的主要產品包括:可程式恆溫恆濕試驗機、冷熱衝擊試驗機、等溫試驗機、大型環境試驗室、TFT光電產業專用AGING CHAMBER、鹽水噴霧試驗機、老化試驗機、複合式振動試驗機和蒸氣老化試驗機等‥,技術水準己凌駕進口產品。客戶更是遍及海內外,包括:光電業、電子通訊業、半導體業、電器電機業、航太工業、汽機車業、食品業、製藥業、學術研究機構等各行各業,同時配合國內產業發展政策與趨勢,巨孚不斷研發新產品,近年來更是在高科技產業與生化科技產業掌握更多商機,深具國際性的競爭力。
Giant Force Instrument Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of temperature and humidity related environmental equipment. We have always held the business philosophy of “always give priority to quality and service; welcome others to join
Now not only have we established a close cooperative relationship with foreign customers, but also our turnover and product research and development capacity are continuously growing.
The products of Giant Force Company mainly include: Programmable Temp. & Humi. Chamber、Thermal Shock Tester、Walk-In Environmental Test Room、LCM(LCD)Aging Chamber、Salt Spray Tester、Aging Oven、Temp./ Humi. &Vibration Combined Test Chamber, Steam Aging Tester and etc. The technological level of our products has now surpassed that of imported products. The customers of the Company are spread all over the country and the world, inc