建準電機工業股份有限公司(Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Co.Ltd.)成立於1980年,為全球散熱處理方案的領導廠商。
建準電機創立於1980年,秉持著「品牌」、「創新」、「價值」的經營理念,自成立之初即完成商標國際化,並以自有品牌Sunon行銷全球,累積數十年來持續不懈專注於馬達核心技術的發明創新,Sunon在馬達、散熱風扇與冷卻模組領域中,以不斷創新、引領產業趨勢的產品,如全球首創MagLev磁浮馬達設計,公分以下、世界最小/最薄的Mighty Mini系列產品,讓Sunon成為此產業中少數具有馬達研發團隊和雄厚創新實力的廠商,更成就今日Sunon品牌為全球精密馬達與微型風扇的領導品牌,不但在產業中備受推崇,更深獲眾多國際品牌大廠的指定使用,各項產品廣泛應用在電腦資訊產業、網路通訊產業、光電產業、汽車電子產業、工業生產設備、醫療設備、家電設備、事務機器等領域中。
Founded in 1980, Sunonwealth Electric Machine Industry Co. Ltd. is the global leader of high-quality thermal solution.
Sunon was founded in 1980 and has always upheld the philosophy of “Brand, Innovation, and Value” for their business operations. From the start, the Sunon name has become an international trademark that is well recognized and featured on products sold worldwide. Over the years, Sunon has continuously focused on developing and making innovations for their core motor technology, leading the industry in product trends for motors, cooling fans, and cooling modules. Sunon products are widely used