We are a professional manufacturer specialized in producing Milling accessories.
Our product range cover the most advanced Vises for CNC machining Centers, CNC Rotary Table, Precision Index Tables, Super Divider as well as various kinds of tools, Workholding equipments...etc. It has been our firm belief that quality is our life, we have invested the most advanced manufacturing facilities for processing the critical parts / components, the facilities include CNC Machining Centers, CNC Lathes, Grinding Machines, ... etc. As a result, the accuracy of our products is outstanding in terms of Flatness, Squareness, Parallelism, Angularity,
主要產品: 倍力式虎鉗、CNC銑床虎鉗...等。
其他產品: 分度頭、分度盤、分割器及工業立柱。銷售地區涵蓋國內及國外。
所有產品100% Made in Taiwan,品質保證!
- 建彰金屬加工有限公司 電話:03-9594529
- 中日金屬化工股份有限公司 電話:03-4522598#106
- 民雄金桔加工廠 電話:05-2720351
- 雅加達眼鏡圍巾配件館 電話:02-27638016
- 江井金屬 電話:05-55510777
- 共利刀具有限公司 電話:02-29822408
- 譽成鑫金屬企業有限公司 電話:02-82216418
- 鼎曜金屬?環有限公司 電話:02-22929853
- 志鋼金屬股份有限公司 電話:06-2036735
- 緯聖金屬有限公司 電話:02-22898113#15