惠而強實業有限公司 信息
電話 | 02-26560840 |
地址 | 台北市內湖區內湖路一段68號5樓 |
類別 | 國際貿易業 |
尚未設定 | |
網站 | http://www.hec-taiwan.com |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
Established in 1982, HEC (Huey Erl Chyang Enterprise Limited) is one of the leading companies in the Houseware, Barware and Kltchenware industries. Focusing on high quality consumer products, we hava devoted ourselves to designing the most stylish and innovative goods, As shown lnour FINE COLLECTION line, our products are endowed with thelr own life and character.
Established in 1982, HEC (Huey Erl Chyang Enterprise Limited) is one of the leading companies in the Houseware, Barware and Kltchenware industries. Focusing on high quality consumer products, we hava devoted ourselves to designing the most stylish and innovative goods, As shown lnour FINE COLLECTION line, our products are endowed with thelr own life and character.
Established in 1982, HEC (Huey Erl Chyang Enterprise Limited) is one of the leading companies in the Houseware, Barware and Kltchenware industries. Focusing on high quality consumer products, we hava devoted ourselves to designing the most stylish and innovative goods, As shown lnour FINE COLLECTION line, our products are endowed with thelr own life and character.
Established in 1982, HEC (Huey Erl Chyang Enterprise Limited) is one of the leading companies in the Houseware, Barware and Kltchenware industries. Focusing on high quality consumer products, we hava devoted ourselves to designing the most stylish and innovative goods, As shown lnour FINE COLLECTION line, our products are endowed with thelr own life and character.
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