慧宇國際股份有限公司是電子零件O2Micro、AOS、ETRON、NIKO SEMI代理商,同時也有現貨部門負責幫忙尋找現貨;我家也長期幫忙國內外工廠備貨(MEMORY、DDR、SDR、NAND FLASH),如果 貴司有需求,歡迎來信提供資料,我家很樂意幫忙挪貨及處理庫存。(請參考http:/www.axland.com.tw/,或來信[email protected]、c,[email protected])
Axland Corp is specialized in the distribution of semiconductors, electronic components. We provide a comprehensive range of offerings to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and value-added resellers (VARs). The company has built a solid reputation as an outsourcing partner, providing customized, fully integrated solutions to the global electronics industry. Axland supports our customers with the highest quality products and on-time deliveries. Marketing professionals and product managers are dedicated to making our customers' jobs easier. Axland's commitment to quality control is absolute. Our material is st
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