日商帝晶科技股份有限公司 信息
電話 | 03-5721088 |
地址 | 新竹縣新竹市光復路二段295號18F-4 |
類別 | 電機電子器材 |
尚未設定 | |
網站 | http://www.trust-t.com |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
Trust Technology Corporation was established during the period when the Japanese economy and the global semi-conductor industry were experiencing sluggish growth, with the goal of contributing effectively to the bottom line of each and every semiconductor device maker in mind. Ever since, TTC had been helping device makers to achieve loss reduction, through helping to put into active use their idle equipments. Putting ourselves in the position of clients in need of cash-flow to be freed up from their idle equipments, we strove towards realizing this goal for them. It was through this corporate philosophy that TTC gained the trust and support of many device makers all over the world to grow into the TTC Group of today.
Presently, the Japanese economy is gradually getting out of deflation while the semiconductor industry is also steadily moving towards high growth rates. At this point, TTC Group has revised its mission once again to better cater to our clients in the days ahead. Progressing from the previous mission, TTC Group is now aiming towards providing the best complete solution to help clients to maximize the utility of their inventory. With that mission in mind, TTC Group now works towards contributing to our clients in the following two arenas. The first arena being the ability to buy in equipments from ready sellers through our pool of 500million yen set aside for this purpose and the second arena being the ability to furnish our clients with all the essential information at the shortest time possible.
With the increasing openness of the enormous Chinese consumer market, Japanese device makers are also increasingly required to change in order to keep up. Along with the sharing of developed technology and skills, equipments with advanced functions, options for customization and value-added services are also increasingly being demanded. To achieve high technological integration, investments in equipments that embody the fore-mentioned capabilities had become essential over time.
Summarily put, TTC Group strives towards helping our clients to effectively convert their equipments, which have been made redundant by new technological developments, into cashable market value through our global network.
本公司創立於2002年, 除著力於半導體二手機台買賣, 也替客戶解決中古機台升級之問題,已提供客戶最高品質、交期短與合理價格的半導體設備機台。以成為世界二手設備綿密網絡的運籌中心為目標,期能為終端採購客戶提供整合性的服務,降低多層次轉手的利潤分配,有效降低客戶採購成本;也致力於強化與終端銷售夥伴的緊密合作,提供終端採購客戶、設備翻修廠商及貿易商更具競爭力之價格。Trust
Presently, the Japanese economy is gradually getting out of deflation while the semiconductor industry is also steadily moving towards high growth rates. At this point, TTC Group has revised its mission once again to better cater to our clients in the days ahead. Progressing from the previous mission, TTC Group is now aiming towards providing the best complete solution to help clients to maximize the utility of their inventory. With that mission in mind, TTC Group now works towards contributing to our clients in the following two arenas. The first arena being the ability to buy in equipments from ready sellers through our pool of 500million yen set aside for this purpose and the second arena being the ability to furnish our clients with all the essential information at the shortest time possible.
With the increasing openness of the enormous Chinese consumer market, Japanese device makers are also increasingly required to change in order to keep up. Along with the sharing of developed technology and skills, equipments with advanced functions, options for customization and value-added services are also increasingly being demanded. To achieve high technological integration, investments in equipments that embody the fore-mentioned capabilities had become essential over time.
Summarily put, TTC Group strives towards helping our clients to effectively convert their equipments, which have been made redundant by new technological developments, into cashable market value through our global network.
本公司創立於2002年, 除著力於半導體二手機台買賣, 也替客戶解決中古機台升級之問題,已提供客戶最高品質、交期短與合理價格的半導體設備機台。以成為世界二手設備綿密網絡的運籌中心為目標,期能為終端採購客戶提供整合性的服務,降低多層次轉手的利潤分配,有效降低客戶採購成本;也致力於強化與終端銷售夥伴的緊密合作,提供終端採購客戶、設備翻修廠商及貿易商更具競爭力之價格。Trust
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