Navisys Technology Corporation is founded in November 2006 with a vision to provide positioning solutions. Navisys management team is well experienced in both GPS applications and wireless/ telecommunication fields.
Located in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park, Navisys applies the latest GPS technology of SiRF ICs and other local chipsets to design and manufacture GPS modules and engine boards for AVL (Automatic Vehicle Locator) and PND (Personal Navigator Device). Moreover, Navisys also provides various GPS related products - G-mouse receiver, Bluetooth GPS receiver, data logger, camera detector and personal tracker
- 追蹤器|汽車追蹤器|GPS追蹤器|衛星追蹤器l一興數位科技 電話:02-25578080
- 萬通科技-追蹤器|GPS追蹤器|汽機車衛星定位追蹤器|出租零售|反偷拍|反竊聽| 電話:07-2823177
- GPS九星人力智庫選才機構 電話:03-9368333
- 京鼎國際科技有限公司 電話:06-2140938
- 主導國際股份有限公司 電話:02-89536616
- 上新專業隔熱紙 電話:07-7922822
- 連科電子股份有限公司 電話:02-82216389
- 旺天電子股份有限公司 電話:03-5632598
- 你是神科技有限公司 電話:03-4639892
- 亞力通訊股份有限公司 電話:02-26952378#304