晨星半導體 信息

服務時間週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30


晨星半導體為專注於消費電子及通訊晶片產品的世界級ASIC供應廠商。自2002年創立以來,晨星始終秉持持續創新以及高品質客戶服務的宗旨,迄今已成功的推出多元化的產品設計,並進而成為產業中成長最迅速的公司。2010年晨星年營業額達10億(1 Billion)美元,在LCD控制晶片、類比及數位電視、手機及數位通訊產品等可攜式晶片的領域中皆贏得世界級的領導地位。


MStar Semiconductor is a global leader in supplying application specific ICs (ASIC) for the consumer and communication product markets. Founded in 2002 on the principle of constant innovation and superior customer service, MStar Semiconductor has successfully built a diverse product portfolio that propels the company to become one of the fastest growing in the industry since its inception. In 2010, the company reached $1B US dollars in total revenue, with worldwide leadership position in the LCD monitor controller, analog and digital TV, cellular and mobile communications and portable devices.

Headquartered in Taiwan, MStar Semiconductor is a true global company with RD, sales and operations activities in more than fifteen worldwide locations. Built on the core competency in high-complexity, high-performance System-on-chip (SoC) design, the company encompasses engineering teams with a wide-range of know-how and experience in radio frequencies (RF), communication systems, multimedia display and application SW. Combined with strong execution, MStar Semiconductor consistently delivers highly integrated and cost effective solutions for the established markets and the emerging markets.

