景明化工股份有限公司 信息
電話 | 037-629988 |
地址 | 苗栗縣頭份鎮蘆竹里工業路16號 |
類別 | 國際貿易業 |
尚未設定 | |
網站 | http://www.echochemical.com |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
近二十年來共代理經營了三十多個世界各國的廠牌。著名的試藥廠如 TCI , Fisher , Lancaster , Acros , Strem , Showa , MP 、高純度溶劑廠Tedia , Fisher、也有專業特化用的 Syntec ,Synthon, Chriskev , Purac 等,更有其他專業特別的試藥廠。
在通路上我們則是在台灣的七大都市 ( 台北、中壢、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄 ) 都有連絡處,為您處理訂單及出貨配送,以期能在最短的時間內把產品送到您手上。
Tel: +886-37-629988 Fax: +886-37-621090
Since the establishment of the Echo Chemcial Co. Ltd. it is always our aim to be a professional supplier of chemicals .
For past 20years , we are the distributor of famous brands from all over the world . Like chemical regents from TCI,
Fisher, Lancaster, Acros,MP, and high puritly solvents from Tedia,Fisher.We also sell special fine chemicals from Syntec, Synthon,Chriskev , Purac and many others fine chemicals , waiting to serve you.
We have seven branches all over Taiwan : Taipei, Chungli , Hsin-Chu , Taichung, Jia-yi, Tainan, Kaoshiung , all ready to handle your orders and to deliver you goods within the shortest time.
If you wish to have a better understanding of Echo Chemical Co., Ltd. ,
please kindly call us at :
Tel:+886-37-621088 Fax:+886-37-621090
近二十年來共代理經營了三十多個世界各國的廠牌。著名的試藥廠如 TCI , Fisher , Lancaster , Acros , Strem , Showa , MP 、高純度溶劑廠Tedia , Fisher、也有專業特化用的 Syntec ,Synthon, Chriskev , Purac 等,更有其他專業特別的試藥廠。
在通路上我們則是在台灣的七大都市 ( 台北、中壢、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄 ) 都有連絡處,為您處理訂單及出貨配送,以期能在最短的時間內把產品送到您手上。
Tel: +886-37-629988 Fax: +886-37-621090
Since the establishment of the Echo Chemcial Co. Ltd. it is always our aim to be a professional supplier of chemicals .
For past 20years , we are the distributor of famous brands from all over the world . Like chemical regents from TCI,
Fisher, Lancaster, Acros,MP, and high puritly solvents from Tedia,Fisher.We also sell special fine chemicals from Syntec, Synthon,Chriskev , Purac and many others fine chemicals , waiting to serve you.
We have seven branches all over Taiwan : Taipei, Chungli , Hsin-Chu , Taichung, Jia-yi, Tainan, Kaoshiung , all ready to handle your orders and to deliver you goods within the shortest time.
If you wish to have a better understanding of Echo Chemical Co., Ltd. ,
please kindly call us at :
Tel:+886-37-621088 Fax:+886-37-621090
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