曜越科技股份有限公司 信息
電話 | 02-87975788 |
地址 | 台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段185號5樓 |
類別 | 電子材料、相機 |
尚未設定 | |
網站 | http://www.thermaltake.com |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
曜越科技創立於1999年,以「Thermaltake」自有品牌行銷全球。獨特、積極、亮眼及時尚的探險家品牌特性,成為創造興奮(Excitement)刺激事物和令人著迷(Fascination)陶醉環境給遊戲玩家的專家,並且讓玩家保持在最佳狀態(Keep Constantly High)。曜越科技以貼近消費者,觀察社群領導者的行為和需求,研發設計出外型突出且品質優良的產品,來大幅提升系統的效能並激發玩家的潛能。因為擁有創新的設計、獨特的風格及市場的權威性的產品快速風行於DIY電市場及金字塔頂端的玩家族群中,成為DIY電腦的首選品牌。
●曜越品牌「Tt eSPORTS」-市場對於遊戲鍵盤、滑鼠與耳機需求的日益增加,故曜越科技於2010年以「Tt eSPORTS」做為電子競技產品的品牌,來延伸遊戲市場的硬體產品廣度,同時期盼著能夠創造更多的個人化遊戲硬體提供全世界熱衷遊戲於玩家族群們。「Tt eSPORTS」承諾著玩家們提供最佳個人化與最優質的武器,並秉著玩家設計給最優秀的使用者理念持續邁進。
●曜越「太陽神職業電競隊」-為曜越集團在2010年成立的職業電競隊伍。因太陽神(Apollo)為希臘奧林柏斯十二主神之一,表示光輝燦爛,亦精通箭術,百發百中,故以其為象徵,代表團隊光明磊落與熱情。而曜越太陽神SF團隊果如隊名一般,銳不可擋,勇獲聯盟2010年SF Online比賽項目第一名。
About “Thermaltake”
Thermaltake Technology was established in January, 1999 and has been market to the world with “Thermaltake” brand name ever since. The brand personality of Unique, Aggressive, Vivid, and Stylish makes Thermaltake an expert in creating Exciting things and Fascinating environment for gamers and enthusiasts, also Keep them Constantly High physically and mentally.
Moreover, Thermaltake Technology get close to consumers and observe lead users’ behavior and requirement, to design aesthetic and high quality products which will greatly improve system performance and bring the user to the up most potential. With innovative design and unique style, Thermaltake products spread rapidly among the enthusiasts in DIY market and soon become the number one choice for PC DIY enthusiasts worldwide.
About “Tt eSPORTS”-Due to the constant requests for keyboards and mice from gamers and end users, Thermaltake decided to create a series of gaming keyboards, mice, and headsets with the Tt eSPORTS brand. By using Tt eSPORTS, we want to extend our product lines into the gaming industry, and provide more “personalized gaming” gears to gamers and enthusiasts worldwide. With years of experience in gaming industry, Tt eSPORTS is committed to bring the most personalized and the highest quality weapons for the most competitive cyber battles, and advances with the idea of products designed by gamers for gamers.
About “LUXA2”-a Division of Thermaltake, was created in 2009, with characteristics of simplicity, luxury, and unique lifestyle. The core design theory of LUXA2 starts from simple shapes blending with luxury elements, which create the unique lifestyle for different segments. LUXA2 represent an emerging trend of ”individuality” in the world. Not only do people need function, but they also need products with aesthetic appearance. Exquisite craftsmanship with aesthetic and elegant design style is a promise and commitment from LUXA2. Thus, the Simplicity, Luxury and Lifestyle of LUXA2 creates a Uniquely You.
●曜越品牌「Tt eSPORTS」-市場對於遊戲鍵盤、滑鼠與耳機需求的日益增加,故曜越科技於2010年以「Tt eSPORTS」做為電子競技產品的品牌,來延伸遊戲市場的硬體產品廣度,同時期盼著能夠創造更多的個人化遊戲硬體提供全世界熱衷遊戲於玩家族群們。「Tt eSPORTS」承諾著玩家們提供最佳個人化與最優質的武器,並秉著玩家設計給最優秀的使用者理念持續邁進。
●曜越「太陽神職業電競隊」-為曜越集團在2010年成立的職業電競隊伍。因太陽神(Apollo)為希臘奧林柏斯十二主神之一,表示光輝燦爛,亦精通箭術,百發百中,故以其為象徵,代表團隊光明磊落與熱情。而曜越太陽神SF團隊果如隊名一般,銳不可擋,勇獲聯盟2010年SF Online比賽項目第一名。
About “Thermaltake”
Thermaltake Technology was established in January, 1999 and has been market to the world with “Thermaltake” brand name ever since. The brand personality of Unique, Aggressive, Vivid, and Stylish makes Thermaltake an expert in creating Exciting things and Fascinating environment for gamers and enthusiasts, also Keep them Constantly High physically and mentally.
Moreover, Thermaltake Technology get close to consumers and observe lead users’ behavior and requirement, to design aesthetic and high quality products which will greatly improve system performance and bring the user to the up most potential. With innovative design and unique style, Thermaltake products spread rapidly among the enthusiasts in DIY market and soon become the number one choice for PC DIY enthusiasts worldwide.
About “Tt eSPORTS”-Due to the constant requests for keyboards and mice from gamers and end users, Thermaltake decided to create a series of gaming keyboards, mice, and headsets with the Tt eSPORTS brand. By using Tt eSPORTS, we want to extend our product lines into the gaming industry, and provide more “personalized gaming” gears to gamers and enthusiasts worldwide. With years of experience in gaming industry, Tt eSPORTS is committed to bring the most personalized and the highest quality weapons for the most competitive cyber battles, and advances with the idea of products designed by gamers for gamers.
About “LUXA2”-a Division of Thermaltake, was created in 2009, with characteristics of simplicity, luxury, and unique lifestyle. The core design theory of LUXA2 starts from simple shapes blending with luxury elements, which create the unique lifestyle for different segments. LUXA2 represent an emerging trend of ”individuality” in the world. Not only do people need function, but they also need products with aesthetic appearance. Exquisite craftsmanship with aesthetic and elegant design style is a promise and commitment from LUXA2. Thus, the Simplicity, Luxury and Lifestyle of LUXA2 creates a Uniquely You.
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