於民國89年,海韻電子成功的踏入通訊及網路用電源的市場。 在同時,為符合日增的需求量,我們拓展產能以提供即時的全球運籌服務(Just In Time Global Logistic Service)。
在未來,我們將秉持我們勤奮、創新、專業及4G (優良技術、優異品質、最佳服務與最好價格)的經營理念,與客戶建立長期的合作關係,創造雙贏的局面。
Since the incorporation of Sea Sonic Electronics Co., Ltd. in 1975, we have maintained our focus on research and development and the production of quality power conversion products.
For the past decades, supported by cutting edge technology based upon a strong research and development team, Sea Sonic Electronics has provided timely and professional solutions to meet many of the IT industry's requirements.
For the future, we will continue our philosophy of dedication, innovation, professionalism and 4G's (Great Technology, Great Quality, Great Service & Great Price) in order to maintain our goal of continued
- 海韻電子工業股份有限公司 電話:02-26590338
- 海韻電子工業股份有限公司 電話:02-26590338
- 海韻食品有限公司 電話:02-28092708
- 海韻民宿 電話:08-9-672338
- 海逸渡假旅店 電話:08-8863999
- 鑫海旅行社有限公司 電話:02-25155266
- 豪格興業有限公司 電話:03-3557968
- 霖園工程行(水池景觀.泳池.自動灑水) 電話:07-7171552
- 弈達科技有限公司 電話:02-86421226
- 鑫鴻電子有限公司 電話:02-28881728