英橋生物科技股份有限公司自八十九年一月十六日成立,實收資本額兩千八百三十萬元。研發技術團隊陣容堅強,結合醫學家、藥學家、生物科技學家、營養學家、土壤學家、植物病蟲害學家等,研發自巴西引進菌種,栽培巴西蘑菇子實體,九十年十月正式量產為二十公斤,九十一年可以栽培兩萬公斤作為研發『巴西蘑菇口服液』原料。由本公司自行研發栽培的巴西蘑菇子實體於民國九十一年一月二十八日送檢驗,經新竹『食品工業發展研究所』 91.3.13 091SA00223 號報告書 g/100g 多醣體 8.21 為巴西原產地 g/100g多醣體 4.21 的兩倍。巴西蘑菇口服液市售包裝招信科技公司 91.5.27 檢驗報告書重金屬內無鉛無鋅無砷無銅無汞無鎘無總生菌數、無大腸桿菌群、無大腸桿菌,消費者可安心使用。行政院衛生署九十一年七月二十九日衛生署食字第 0910007856號函配方審查認定為『食品』,申請外銷日本、馬來西亞等國。 並於 91.8.14 榮獲產品中華民國經典獎。
Aviles Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. was established in Taipei, Taiwan in 2000 to produce high potency extracts of the Agaricus Blazei Murrill mushroom which would meet the government certified standards for purity. We achieved that goal and further we developed advanced organically based cultivation technologies that enable us to harvest the mushroom at high production levels while maintaining high quality control of the product.
The Agaricus Blazei Murrill mushroom was selected for development of our tonics because of the many scientific studies showing its beneficial effects and its potential for even greater ef