豐鵬國際有限公司專門製造及出口鍊條鋼索配件及寵物馬具產品.本公司堅持高品質、高效率、高附加價值及提供顧客世界級原廠售後服務是所有客戶給予本公司一致的肯定。Manufacturer/Exporter for chain/rope accessories and
harness hardware, including all kinds of snap, hook,
buckle, ring, clip, made by stamped steel, zinc die
casting, malleable iron and solid brass sand casting, drop
forging, stainless steel. Having more than 15 years of
experience in the hardware market, our business is built on
customer service supreme quality with reasonable price and
punctual delivery. This web site covers only a part of our
products. Please let us have your inquiry. Complete
catalog will be sent upon receipt of your requests. We
also a