資訊月的創辦、電腦雜誌的發行、電腦中文化的開發與推動、資訊教育的普及與深化、國家資通訊基礎建設的建置、internet應用的倡導、產業電子化的促進、e-Taiwan、M-Taiwan及U-Taiwan計畫的規劃、國內外縮減數位落差觀念的落實、WiMAX技術的領先…;資策會近30年的努力與貢獻,深獲世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum, WEF)於2006年發佈的「2005-2006全球資訊科技報告(Global Information Technology Report 2005-2006)」的肯定。該文指出,台灣資訊產業的實力與資訊國力的開展,是台灣能在當年全球資訊國力評比名列世界第七的關鍵所在,而財團法人資訊工業策進會(簡稱資策會)在其中尤其扮演了舉足輕重的關鍵角色。
• 推廣資訊技術有效應用,提昇國家整體競爭力
• 塑造資訊工業發展環境與條件,增強資訊產業競爭力
III was incorporated in 1979, through the joint efforts of public and private sectors, as a Non-Goverment Organization (NGO), to support the development/applications of information industry as well as information society in Taiwan.
Along with the technology advancement, III’s mission has evolved from the developments of informationn technology (IT) to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with coverage over the entire society.
The Institute for Information Industry (III) was established in 1979 as a non-governmental organization, jointly sponsored by the Taiwan government and prominent private enterprises, for the purpose of strengthening the developments of information ind
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