超碩科技股份有限公司 X-Micro Technology介紹
超碩科技股份有限公司成立於1999年,產品以Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, MP3 Player, GPS...etc, IT products 等電腦週邊為主,以自有品牌 X-MICRO行銷全球,並同時為全球前幾大客戶提供OEM/ODM. 堅持提供創新技術和要求品質的產品, 達到客戶滿意度為目標, 邁向世界一流品牌。 「研究創新、品質至上、客戶為先」的經營理念,是超碩科技一向堅持的信念。未來仍將以提昇產品的品質與附加價值為主,期能使各類產品於國際各大專業媒體、展覽之評鑑中脫穎而出,達成 The Best Product Made in Taiwan的目標。 身為全球資訊產業的成員,我們從不間斷地致力於產品品質的改善與功能的創新,讓科技產品能真正的便利生活, 帶來更有效的益處。竭誠歡迎有衝勁及工作熱忱的夥伴一同加入,這裡有相當大的舞台讓您盡情揮灑長才,共同創造高科技,高成長的未來!
X-Micro Technology Corp. specializes in innovative digital multimedia devices and wireless communication devices. Our focus is to provide products that offer convenience and freedom to the user, whether it’s on the beach, at school, or in the office. X-Micro’s devices are 「Plug & Fly」 which represents ease-of-use, mobility, speed, and imagination.
Established in 1999, X-Micro has a substantial investment in R&D, manufacturing, and engineering. We strive to deliver high quality, inventive new digital and wireless devices to users around the globe. Our products are first tier as our customers include one of the
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