運達航運股份有限公司 信息

服務時間週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30


Interasia Lines co., Ltd. was established as Nichinankaiun co., Ltd in Sept. 1967 for developing regular and non-regular sea route logistics in Southeast Asia, and changed its name to current one in April 1969.

We have always thought it high to stabilize our long-term revenue under very unstable mid and short-range sea route logistics market, and we also have continued our positive and sincere correspondences such as the selection of the safety and punctual sea route, expansion of proper size of our fleet, and expansion of our overseas agency network.

On the other hand, we also have taken positive action such as our fleet’s containerization of Southeast Asian sea route in advance of our rival firms under prospect of revolution trend of the logistics mechanism in mid and short-range regular sea route logistics.

We have launched out into the round trip container logistics between Japan and Taiwan in the beginning in the spring of 1969 with semi-container ship, i.e. conventional ship, and two newly built full container ships were turned on in April, 1974. And we have extended the route and launched out full container logistics service to Taiwan and channel district, Singapore and Malaysia in half a year, September of that year. With result of growing demand of sea route logistics in Southeast Asia district for remarkable extension of economics in the area, we have launched out third new full-container ship in September 1977, 4th modified full-container ship in September 1978, and we have established weekly sea route logistics service in the area with these ships.

We also have concluded with the contract of the space charter with WAN HAI LINES LTD in 1990 to strength logistics service network in Southeast Asia district, and separated conventional ships division at the same time.

We have strengthened weekly service with launching out 3rd 1200TEU load full-container ship in 1995. We have renewed our fleet with replacement of ships in 2000, and shifted to space charter with Mitsui O.S.K. lines as well as WAN HAI LINES Ltd in 2001, and launched our 1800TEU load container ship.

And we also have strengthened and enlarged the fleet Japan-Hong Kong-Bangkok route started the service with three 500TEU load full-container ships in 2000. We have launched out three 1000TEU load full-container ships into the route in September 2001 to strengthen the service.

We also have established feeder ship logistics network and placed positive sales activities in India, Pakistan, Middle East and other neighboring countries in Asia (Myanmar, Indonesia, and Bangladesh, etc.) using Port Kelang in Malaysia as hub port from 2004. Moreover we have started Super Express 3 Services between Japan/Hong Kong/Shekou(China)/Channel district and established sales agency at Shekou in China in spring of 2006 to strengthen our service in China. We are doing more effort to respond our customer’s demand and to strengthen and stabilize our service.

