領航動感科技股份有限公司/領航數位國際股份有限公司成立於2002年4月,成立宗旨為致力3D VR與運動模擬技術的開發與整合,以應用於科技休閒與遊戲產業為首要目標。
Have you imagined going car-racing, boat-racing or even flight simulation on an amusement machine? Confronted with the severe threat from the console games, such as PS2, Xbox, Wii, PC games, etc, how can operators like you of the arcade industry take the competitive advantage over others and keep the victory blooming?
INJOY’s innovative technologies and products will be one of the best solutions you can have to the current difficulties!
- 光合豐3D影像工作室 電話:08-7379970
- 佳裕影像3D設計工作室 電話:04-7866567
- 夏米動畫、遊戲美術、插畫、3D建模 電話:02-89650911, 0939582797
- 玩美3D影音動畫工坊 電話:04-23602142, 0918485510
- 柏菁3D透視圖 電話:02-27734618, 0918193588
- 新億3D影像設計 電話:04-25607968
- 環球數位3D影城 電話:07-7220066
- 欣龍麥3D模具設計 電話:06-2285428
- 3D道具(伸益興業有限公司) 電話:07-3113866
- 3D專業快速剪髮 電話:02-24595551