LED 照明 爾全科技有限公司介紹
爾全科技成立於1999年,致力於LED照明產品之研發設計,目前已獲得國外內多項專利,並自許成為LED照明界之先驅,主力產品為 MR11、MR16、E12、E14、E17、E26、E27、PAR燈、AR111、投光燈、洗牆燈、路燈 全系列,且接受各式 OEM/ODM 訂單,產品銷售遍及全球,歡迎
Established in 1999, the LUCES Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the research, development, design and sale of semi-conductor production hardware components. With the experience gained during those early years, LUCES has nurtured a team of professional designers familiar with designing machine systems.
2002 LUCES saw a bright future in LED lighting, and began investing in the research and development of high output LED lighting sources. So far we have developed 5W colored environmental lighting as well as 5W white light products.
- 通達電氣工程行 電話:04-25360913, 0910444384
- 大台中 中部詮德水電工程 電話:04-22784300
- 祥順防水工程 電話:02-29342827, 0987229589
- 華納工程行(油漆) 電話:02-85312481, 0917757866
- 鴻璋防水工程 電話:03-3291115
- 典藏生活室內裝修設計工程 電話:02-25097757, 0932210724
- 宏巖工程行 電話:07-5539983, 0980760877
- 力錩工程行 電話:02-86775239, 0912832808
- 璞碩室內裝修設計工程有限公司 電話:02-22250365, 0921321771
- 城安營造工程有限公司 電話:06-2543399, 0963011526