Mayan Grill香港商馬雅餐飲股份有限公司台灣分公司 信息
電話 | 02-25116292 |
地址 | 台北市中山區中山北路二段65巷6號 |
類別 | 餐飲美食 |
尚未設定 | |
網站 | |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
Mayan Grill香港商馬雅餐飲股份有限公司台灣分公司介紹
自從馬雅文化高峰期之後,墨西哥飲食文化除了有很大的發展與變化之外,其美名更是享譽全球,目前更是美國最流行的食物(沙沙醬的需求與銷售量更在最近超越了蕃茄醬,成了佐料界的新龍頭更以迅雷不及掩耳的速度風靡全世界),由於傳統的馬雅料理受到了全球的喜愛,在許多地方更發展出了別具特色的新興口味例如墨西哥城、聖塔菲、洛杉磯甚至是整個美國西南部,在此一同時Mayan Grill選擇了亞洲【更準確的來說”台灣”】,要將這無與倫比的美味原汁原味的引進,這對整個亞洲而言是首次,也是最完整的一次精采呈現
在Mayan Grill我們致力於追求著對食材的用心與堅持,慢工出細活就是要讓所有的食材都能充分的發揮其功能與美味,是我們不願辜負先人與這個地球所賜給我們最好的恩惠。在Mayan Grill裡我們除了堅持使用台灣本地生產的有機農產品外,更將新鮮、美味與健康做為我們信奉的最高標準原則,我們期盼著每一位來到Mayan Grill的貴客都能品嘗到我們的用心努力與堅持!
這就是Mayan Grill致力為我們的顧客與地球所做的承諾…
Mayan Grill’s Commitment to Our Customers and Our Earth…
The Maya civilization thrived in what is now modern Mexico and central America at a time when all food was fresh, never processed or preserved with chemicals. There were no cans, no microwaves, and no chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Each meal was perfectly balanced in color, flavor, and nutritious.
Since the peak of the Maya, Mexican cuisine has developed significantly, and its popularity has spread throughout the globe. It is currently the most popular food in America, [with salsa recently outselling ketchup as the number one condiment][and its popularity is quickly spreading worldwide]. New twists on traditional flavors now flourish in places far from Mexico city, like Santa Fe and Los Angeles in the American Southwest. The Mayan Grill brings these flavors, in all their authenticity, to Asia for the first time.
At the Mayan Grill, we Strive to live up to the high quality and freshness standards of our forefathers, while offering some of the more recent twists on Mexican cuisine that have proven most popular.
Fresh food made with care takes time to prepare, but tastes better, and is better for you. Many of our ingredients are organic, and we work with local farmers and other suppliers toward the goal of sourcing produce that is locally grown in a sustainable manner. We are committed to quality, both in our food and in our customer service. We hope you, our valued customer, can taste that commitment in every bite!
自從馬雅文化高峰期之後,墨西哥飲食文化除了有很大的發展與變化之外,其美名更是享譽全球,目前更是美國最流行的食物(沙沙醬的需求與銷售量更在最近超越了蕃茄醬,成了佐料界的新龍頭更以迅雷不及掩耳的速度風靡全世界),由於傳統的馬雅料理受到了全球的喜愛,在許多地方更發展出了別具特色的新興口味例如墨西哥城、聖塔菲、洛杉磯甚至是整個美國西南部,在此一同時Mayan Grill選擇了亞洲【更準確的來說”台灣”】,要將這無與倫比的美味原汁原味的引進,這對整個亞洲而言是首次,也是最完整的一次精采呈現
在Mayan Grill我們致力於追求著對食材的用心與堅持,慢工出細活就是要讓所有的食材都能充分的發揮其功能與美味,是我們不願辜負先人與這個地球所賜給我們最好的恩惠。在Mayan Grill裡我們除了堅持使用台灣本地生產的有機農產品外,更將新鮮、美味與健康做為我們信奉的最高標準原則,我們期盼著每一位來到Mayan Grill的貴客都能品嘗到我們的用心努力與堅持!
這就是Mayan Grill致力為我們的顧客與地球所做的承諾…
Mayan Grill’s Commitment to Our Customers and Our Earth…
The Maya civilization thrived in what is now modern Mexico and central America at a time when all food was fresh, never processed or preserved with chemicals. There were no cans, no microwaves, and no chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Each meal was perfectly balanced in color, flavor, and nutritious.
Since the peak of the Maya, Mexican cuisine has developed significantly, and its popularity has spread throughout the globe. It is currently the most popular food in America, [with salsa recently outselling ketchup as the number one condiment][and its popularity is quickly spreading worldwide]. New twists on traditional flavors now flourish in places far from Mexico city, like Santa Fe and Los Angeles in the American Southwest. The Mayan Grill brings these flavors, in all their authenticity, to Asia for the first time.
At the Mayan Grill, we Strive to live up to the high quality and freshness standards of our forefathers, while offering some of the more recent twists on Mexican cuisine that have proven most popular.
Fresh food made with care takes time to prepare, but tastes better, and is better for you. Many of our ingredients are organic, and we work with local farmers and other suppliers toward the goal of sourcing produce that is locally grown in a sustainable manner. We are committed to quality, both in our food and in our customer service. We hope you, our valued customer, can taste that commitment in every bite!
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