安達康股份有限公司 信息

類別硬碟機 耳機 桌上型麥克風 鍵盤 護目鏡 滑鼠 電腦週邊 OEM 行銷 spa 電腦


安達康股份有限公司為跨國性電腦商,全球員工超過1000人,在全球行銷網居領先地位. Company is a leading exporter of PC equipment and peripherals situated in Hsijir in new hi-tec office space. 電腦週邊產品: 滑鼠,護目鏡,鍵盤,桌上型麥克風,耳機,硬碟機,電腦線,主機板冷卻風扇,喇叭,轉換插頭,延長線,電腦用之工具配套
IC INTRACOM develops, manufactures and sources more than 2,000 PC peripherals, accessories and networking products under the MANHATTAN and INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS brands. The company’s attractively packaged, lifetime warranted products generate high profit margins for more than 40,000 PC retailers, VARs and system integrators in over 90 countries around the world. IC INTRACOM also offers a variety of services to help mid-siz

Founded in 1987, the company operates manufacturing facilities, distribution centers and satellite offices in 13 countries and employs more than 500 people. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, IC INTRACOM is a privately held company.
Business Model

Despite the “globalization” of business, there remains a gap between Western and Asian companies caused largely by not understanding each others’ economy, marketplace and consumer preferences. Asian manufacturers, which innovatively and cost-effectively produce products, have little knowledge of how to market those products, nor of the expectations of Western consumer

