優士達科技有限公司 USERTECH介紹
2006年,優士達科技(Usertech Technologies Ltd.)成立於台灣/台中。
2008年春天;優士達取得革命性線軌專利,並首度在台灣國際展覽會,對外發表UST A+線性滑軌;成為世界第一個應用單軸多輪之理論;製造線軌及模組的公司。
UST以創新,環保的精神,在機械設計的領域,不斷研發綠化地球、減碳 的新產品,並創造高經濟價值的機械。
Usertech Technologies Ltd. was founded in 2006 in Taichung, Taiwan.
In spring 2008, UST obtained its 1st A+ linear guideway patent approval and announce this technologies in Taipei international trade-show. Becoming the 1st company in the world applying multi-wheels on single shaft techniques in the linear guideway system.
UST use new concept and ideas to improve and develop environmental friendly machinery to contribute for better & greener
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