公司是一家专业生产磷酸三酯阻燃剂系列产品和HH - 08系列草甘膦专用助剂产品的新兴化工企业。磷酸三酯阻燃剂系列产品广泛用于软、硬质聚酯泡沫塑料、聚氯乙烯、环氧树脂、不饱和树脂、聚酯纤维及橡胶、运输带生产中;与国内同类产品相比具有色泽浅、酸值低、粘度小等特点,是阻燃剂中阻燃性及持久性最好的品种之一。HH - 08系列草甘膦专用助剂是环境友好的绿色产品,能够完全生物降解。 草甘膦专用助剂是阳离子表面活性剂、非离子表面活性剂及其它助剂的复配产品, 它们的主要成份是新型绿色表面活性剂 APG ,用它们配制草甘膦水剂显示出优异的润湿性能,而且草甘膦水剂耐热耐寒稳定性非常好。
Jiande Huahai Chemical Co., Ltd. is located near the Qiandaohu Lake at the junction of the national highway 320 &330 and the Jiande shouchang industrial zone. The Jinhua-Qiandaohu railway passes through this industrial zone where the company is seated, thus the company enjoys a good location.
The company is a rising chemical enterprise specialized in the production of tri-phosphate fire retardants and auxiliary agents special for glyphosate, among which the tri-phosphate fire retardants are widely used in in soft and hard polyester foam, PVC, epoxy resin, polyester fiber, rubber and convey belt.
- 建德市华海化工有限公司 電話:86-571-64532583