台灣瑞納科技有限公司 RENA介紹
台灣瑞納科技RENA生產製造化學蝕刻機台, 主要應用於太陽能電池及半導體相關產業,同時提供製程協助.目前全亞洲太陽能電池, 蝕刻機台之最大供應商.
RENA is a sought-after partner in the photovoltaic and semiconductor industry, in electroplating and in medical technology. We speak our customers’ language and represent their interests in the development of global plant standards.
But perhaps a totally different secret lies behind our success: We enjoy what we do and are inspired by new challenges. By working together, people across all our locations actively live and shape our corporate culture.
- 誼嶺電池:汽車電池.機車電池.推高機電池.發電機電池.電動車電池.貨車電池.機油 電話:02-85215777
- 百樂電池股份有限公司 電話:03-9901059#23
- 新新電池有限公司 電話:07-3010876
- 台灣湯淺電池股份有限公司 電話:02-29018261
- 凱新汽車電池行 電話:05-6973582
- 利大電池有限公司 電話:049-2262269
- 倍特力電池行 電話:04-22151560
- 順佳汽車電池 電話:05-5320618
- 皇昱電池物流 電話:049-2205573
- 蓮興電池 電話:03-2889689