Welcome to Messe Frankfurt,
the world's largest trade fair organiser with its own exhibition grounds. With 15 subsidiaries outside Germany, five branch offices and 50 International Sales Partners offices outside Germany, the Group has a presence in 150 countries and at more than 30 exhibition sites. In 2007 113 trade fairs are held, serving as a meeting place for more than 64,000 exhibitors and 3,6 million visitors. You will find the latest news and information on the following pages.
- 捷力威科技有限公司(ic燒錄、taping服務) 電話:02-26897811#112
- 竹科廣播股份有限公司 (IC之音 FM97.5) 電話:03-5163975
- 竹科廣播股份有限公司 (IC之音 FM97.5) 電話:03-5163975
- 竹科廣播股份有限公司 (IC之音 FM97.5) 電話:03-5163975
- 永豐福貿易有限公司 電話:02-22918872
- 佑昕科技有限公司 電話:092-7420921
- 鑫燁實業有限公司 電話:02-26686951
- 尚立股份有限公司 電話:02-87973566
- 連進科技股份有限公司 電話:02-85227068
- 光菱電子股份有限公司 電話:02-26981143