如泰興業(股)公司 信息
電話 | 07-3525000 |
地址 | 高雄市楠梓區旗楠路885之6號1樓 |
類別 | 金屬製品 |
尚未設定 | |
網站 | http://www.msco.com.tw |
服務時間 | 週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30 |
About Us
Metal & Steel Corporation (MSCO) is based in Kaohsiung and is a leading exporter of a wide variety of fasteners in Taiwan. MSCO has partnered up with a group of local manufacturers and sub-makers to provide a wide array of fasteners from standards to special custom made-to-order types. This makes MSCO your one-stop shop for assorted varieties which saves you valuable time allowing you to concentrate on your sales and decision making, while at the same time, allowing the manufacturers to concentrate on production and quality.
MSCO understands the demands these days for lowering costs, yet without sacrificing the quality. That’s why every supplier is chosen carefully depending on the items needed and whether or not it is in their specialty range. MSCO makes these suppliers follow a very strict qualification process and must follow them to a tee.
We are a technical, service based company with an excellent and experienced team led by Mr. Robert Jerng (founder and ex-owner of Oriental Fasteners OFCO). He has over 30 years of experience in the fastener industry and helped many customers ‘think out side the box’ finding cost effective ways to help them save costs and increase their competitiveness. For example, for one particular client in the Auto Fastener industry, a machined part was required, 10 million of them! Robert analyzed the drawing and consulted with several of the manufacturers and found that the same part can be easily produced cheaper and have better strength than the original design by simply switching to cold forming instead. Of course it sounds easier than done as there were several technical challenges to overcome, but in the end, every one wins!
Metal & Steel Corporation (MSCO) is based in Kaohsiung and is a leading exporter of a wide variety of fasteners in Taiwan. MSCO has partnered up with a group of local manufacturers and sub-makers to provide a wide array of fasteners from standards to special custom made-to-order types. This makes MSCO your one-stop shop for assorted varieties which saves you valuable time allowing you to concentrate on your sales and decision making, while at the same time, allowing the manufacturers to concentrate on production and quality.
MSCO understands the demands these days for lowering costs, yet without sacrificing the quality. That’s why every supplier is chosen carefully depending on the items needed and whether or not it is in their specialty range. MSCO makes these suppliers follow a very strict qualification process and must follow them to a tee.
We are a technical, service based company with an excellent and experienced team led by Mr. Robert Jerng (founder and ex-owner of Oriental Fasteners OFCO). He has over 30 years of experience in the fastener industry and helped many customers ‘think out side the box’ finding cost effective ways to help them save costs and increase their competitiveness. For example, for one particular client in the Auto Fastener industry, a machined part was required, 10 million of them! Robert analyzed the drawing and consulted with several of the manufacturers and found that the same part can be easily produced cheaper and have better strength than the original design by simply switching to cold forming instead. Of course it sounds easier than done as there were several technical challenges to overcome, but in the end, every one wins!
- 中華金屬製品廠(股)公司 電話:02-23811628
- 佛山市利事達金屬製品有線公司 電話:086-0757-8181097
- 金屬沖壓,沖床,模具開發,代工,金屬製品 電話:03-3248012
- 環球金屬製品國際有限公司 電話:04-23785670
- 永福金屬製品有限公司 電話:06-2322169
- 誠奕金屬製品廠 電話:04-24517589
- 震隆金屬製品廠 電話:06-2295148
- 天鈿金屬製品有限公司 電話:02-22882071
- 豪美不銹鋼金屬製品專業網 電話:03-5335088
- 億達金屬製品有限公司 電話:05-2371078