
【網絡綜合 - 英語口語】



Dave: Hey, Zina. You shouldn't act so tough with Vince. 1) What if he's your rhumba boy?

戴夫: 嘿,吉娜。你不該故意對文斯那麼凶巴巴的。萬一他就是你那倫巴男孩呢?

Zina: Please. He's only nice to me because I'm making him a ton of money.

吉娜: 拜託喔。他對我好只是因為我在幫他賺大錢。

Dave: He was definitely happy. You must be making a lot of sales.

戴夫: 他真是高興得很。你一定做成了很多買賣。

Zina: It isn't hard. All the 2) online businesses need a way to 3) keep track of the 4) traffic to their 5) sites.

吉娜: 這不難。所有的線上商務都需要設法掌握他們網站的流量。

Dave: That's xxxxx. Tracks every visitor. Or at least it will, if we can get it to work.

戴夫: 這就是xxxxx。掌握每一位訪客。或者至少以後會是這樣,若我們能讓做出來的東西管用。


A: I can't get online.


B: There must be too many other people using the Internet.


【act tough with... 故作強硬】

tough 這個字,指的是“強悍的”,若要說“對……很強悍、強硬”就是be tough with...,對話中用了act這個字,act tough with聽來的感覺傾向於“故意裝得很強硬”。

A: I'm so angry. I could hit you in the face.


B: Don't you act so tough with me. I know you couldn't hurt a fly.


【get it to work 讓它運作】

get...to work這個句型,若是用在事物身上,是指“讓……能夠運作”,可能是指草創的新東西,或是某個窒礙難行的制度,也可以單純指東西壞了:

A: My car broke down again.


B: I bet I can get

英語口語, 男孩, 口語, 倫巴,

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