



1.When do you go to bed?你們什麼時候睡覺?

2.You're like a dead person while you sleep.你睡得像死豬一樣。

3.Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.讓我再睡五分鐘嘛。

4.My brothers are causing me to lose sleep.弟弟們讓我根本睡不著覺。

5.I didn't fall asleep until 1 o'clock last night.昨天晚上我一點鐘才睡著。

6.I was very sleepy but I couldn't sleep.我特別困可就是睡不著。

7.I haven't been sleeping well for a month.我有一個月的時間沒睡好覺了

8.Jack always goes to bed at about midnight.傑克總是午夜前後睡覺。

9.He has gone to rest.他去睡覺了。

10.I stirred now and again in my sleep.我睡覺時翻來覆去。

11.We go to bed at eleven.我們11點睡覺。

12.His bedtime is ten o'clock.他的就寢時間是十點鐘。

13.I hardly ever go to bed before midnight.我很少在午夜以前就寢。

14.They all went to sleep except Jack.除傑克之外,他們都去睡覺了。

15.You mustn't play the piano while our son is sleeping.兒子睡覺時,不要彈鋼琴。

16.I always tell my niece a story before she goes to sleep.侄女睡覺之前我總講故事給她聽。

17.I found she went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night.我發現她很快入睡而且整晚睡得非常好

18.I didn't sleep well last night.昨晚我睡不安穩。

19.It seems that you haven't had enough sleep lately.好像你最近睡眠不夠。

20.I was soundly asleep all night long.整個晚上我睡得很沉。

21.Did you sleep well last night?你昨晚睡得好嗎?

22.Is there somewhere for you to sleep?你有地方睡覺嗎?

23.I stick to a regular bedtime schedule.我堅持每晚按時睡覺。

24.We seldom stay up all night.我們很少整夜不睡覺。

25.How about going to bed earlier tonight?今晚我們早點睡好嗎?

26.My father is just sleeping inside the room.父親正在房間裡睡覺。

27.Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.有些人睡覺時磨牙齒。

28.I succumbed to weariness and went to bed.我疲憊不堪,上床睡覺了。

29.We have no choice but to lie down and sleep.我們別無選擇,只好躺下來睡覺。

30.You must accustom yourself to staying up late.你得使自己習慣於晚睡覺。

31.There is no harm in your staying up late occasionally.偶爾晚睡並無大礙

32.Staying up late will do you harm at your age.你這樣年紀,晚睡不好。

33.You should not have stayad up late.你不該那麼晚才睡。

34.Tired as I was, I sat up late.我雖然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。

35.I go to sleep immediatety and sleep soundly all night.我很快入睡而且整晚睡得非常好。

36.I am really a night person, and I stayed up very late last night.我是個夜貓子,昨晚很晚才睡。

英語口語, 核心, 句型, 少兒英語, 美華,