1. 沒有了動物,我們的世界還會精彩嗎?
2. 唉!!我真心希望,人與動物之間可以和諧相處。願人類還動物們一片自由的藍天!
3. 人和動物的區別之一大概就是慾望的控制了吧,如果只受慾望的支配,人和動物就沒有什麼差別了。
4. 人和動物能一樣嗎,動物會養老嗎,你會為了一次交配權一年打一次群架嗎?如果人按動物性來劃分,動物界的母獸可是逮誰跟誰啊!
5. 人和動物一樣。有的樂於被關在欄中,有的非要去自由的流浪。
6. 人和動物最大的不同在於自律,一個沒有自律的人不能稱之為正常的人。
7. 在我看來,人和動物最大的區別不在於吃喝拉撒,而是那些無用的東西:音樂、美術、詩歌、小說……
8. 既然人類不瞭解動物的感受,又無法與動物溝通,就不應該以人類的邏輯來解釋動物的行為,更不該將動物臨死前的一舉一動解釋為對死亡的恐懼。
9. 人與動物最大的區別在於人有羞恥感,而動物卻沒有!
10. 人與動物都是地球這個大家庭的成員,所以我們應該尊重動物,不是嗎?
Once upon a time there was a clever, wily peasant, whose tricks could be much talked about. The best story, however, is how he once got the best of the devil and made a fool of him. One day the peasant had been working in his field, and just as it was getting dark he was getting ready to go home when in the middle of his field he saw a pile of burning coals. Filled with amazement he walked toward it, and sitting on the top of the glowing coals there was a little black devil.
"You must be sitting on a treasure," said the peasant.
"Yes indeed," replied the devil, "on a treasure that contains more gold and silver than you have ever seen in your life."
"The treasure is in my field and belongs to me," said the peasant.
"It is yours," answered the devil, "if for two years you will give me one half of everything your field produces. I have enough money, but I have a desire for the fruits of the earth."
The peasant entered into the bargain, saying, "To prevent any dispute from arising about the division, everything above the ground shall belong to you, and everything beneath the ground to me."
The devil was quite satisfied with that, but the cunning peasant had planted turnips.
Now when harvest time came the devil appeared and wanted to take away his crop, but he found nothing except the yellow withered leaves, and the happy peasant dug up his turnips.
"You got the best of me this time," said the devil, "but it won't happen again. Next time what grows above ground shall be yours, and what is under it shall be mine."
"That is all right with me," answered the peasant. When planting time came the peasant did not plant turnips again, but wheat. The crop ripened, and the peasant went into the field and cut the full stalks off at ground level. When the devil came he found nothing but the stubble, and he angrily disappeared into a chasm in a cliff.
"That's the way one has to deal with foxes," said the peasant, then carried away the treasure.