
General 更新 2024年10月04日



  The Jock 運動員

  Todd: OK, Conrad!

  Conrad: Yeah!

  Todd: You're quite the jock!

  Conrad: Thanks Todd.

  Todd: Yeah. So, we're gonna talk about sports.

  Conrad: Alright.

  Todd: What sports do you like?

  Conrad: Well, I like a lot of sports, but basketball is my favorite. Definitely.

  Todd: Oh, really!

  Conrad: Yeah!

  Todd: OK. How long have you been playing basketball?

  Conrad: Let's see! Probably about thirty years. I'm thirty seven now and I think I was in elementary school when I started to play at first.

  Todd: At what age were you your best?

  Conrad: Let's see! Probably around 20 maybe. Sometime when I was in college. Yeah!

  Todd: What position did you play when you played basketball?

  Conrad: Guard. Guard. A little bit of forward, depending on what kind of team I was playing on.

  Todd: Yeah, were you mainly an offensive or defensive player?

  Conrad: Defensive. Yeah.

  Todd: OK. Do you still watch a lot of basketball on TV?

  Conrad: Well, now living in Japan I don't get, um, get many chances to watch the NBA but I do follow it on the Internet.

  Todd: OK. Do you still play basketball?

  Conrad: Yeah. Yeah. I play about once a week with my at the university I work at with the club team there.

  Todd: OK. Great. Alright. Thanks a lot Conrad.

  Conrad: Sure. No problem Todd.


  The Train Trip 火車之旅

  Todd: Devon, I hear that you took the train across Russia.

  Devon: Yes, I Devon started in Moscow, travelled through Russia, Mongolia, and ended up in China.

  Todd: Wow! That's a long way!

  Devon: Yes, it was. It took three weeks. I did it as part of a tour with ten other people.

  Todd: Man, that's a cool trip. That must of cost a lot of money.

  Devon: It did cost a lot of money but not a lot of people can say they have done that, and so, I looked in... I researched the trip several months before I actually took it. A friend and I did it together and there was one other American and the rest of the people were from Switzerland.

  Todd: OK. Cool! What was the landscape like?

  Devon: A lot of it was flat and for miles around you could see absolutely nothing, and as you got into Siberia there was scattered trees, and when we got into Mongolia you could see some camels every once in awhile, but besides that there was a whole lot of nothing.

  Todd: Wow! Just wild camels?

  Devon: Wild camels around the drinking whole. Yes, saw that more than once.

  Todd: So how did you eat on this train?

  Devon: We stopped several times along the way and upon every platform you could buy food that local people were selling. A lot of it consisted of dried fish and other types of Russian delicacies and a lot of noodles that you heated up with hot water. Every train had hot water on it on every carriage so you were always able to make noodles if you were desperate.

  Todd: So was this a luxurious train or was it a pretty basic...?

  Devon: It was pretty much the most basic you could get. There were no animals on board but sometimes they were coal heated so it was very basic.

  Todd: Wow! Would you do it again?

  Devon: Great question! Would I do it again? Yes, I would do it again but I would wait several years to do it. One because it does cost a lot of money and two because there are many other things to do... to see.

  Todd: OK. Thanks a lot Devon.


  JJ: Look at them all lean in as they want to hear this story.... It starts out sickingly sweet. I was in am musical, Cinderella, and I was Cinderella and the guy who played the prince and I started to date and we got pretty serious and then he was trying to get rid of an ex who kept bothering him and so he decided to come to Japan to teach English and we - all during the summer - we had plans you know. I would come and visit and that kind of stuff. We were really excited about it and he was a model at the agency, at the same agency where I was an actor and....so we had the same agent. He went to Japan and was teaching and we were writing back and forth "looking forward to seeing you" all that kind of stuff and I was having lunch with my agent one day and telling her that I had started taking Japanese and I had been planning out my trip and I was very excited about this whole thing and she says, "JJ, I don't know how to tell you this." And I'm thinking,"Oh, my god! What?" And she says, "Yeah, um, Richard's ex-girlfriend flew out to Japan and they got married." Jessica: Oh, my god!

  JJ: Married!

  Todd: Oh, no!

  JJ: Yeah! Yeah! Jessica: How did you feel?

  JJ: Like I needed a ladder to get on a piece of paper, really, I mean it was, it was a devastating, you know that first broken love kind of thing, but.. Jessica: Did you hear from him afterwards?

  JJ: Yeah, we were always just friends apparently.Yeah, so not only adding the "insult to the industry", "insult the industry", is that what I meant to say "insult to injury" was him just saying that we were always just friends.

