
General 更新 2024年10月03日



  第Ⅰ卷選擇題 60 分

  一、單項選擇共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,計 15 分

  在下列各題 A、B、C、D 四個選項中選擇一個能填入題幹空白處的最佳答案。

  1. ---Have you seen _______ film Born in China, directed by Lu Chuan?

  ---Of course, I have never seen such _______ amazing documentary.

  A. a;an B. the; / C. a; / D. the; an

  2. ---What can you see _________ the bridge, Millie?

  ---Oh, an elephant is standing over there. Let’s go and see it.

  A. across B. through C. above D. over

  3. --- I have a letter _________ , but I’m too busy.

  --- Why not have it ______________?

  A. to post; post B. posted; post C. to post; posted D. posted; to post

  4. ---Sir, _______ we arrest the famous singer?

  --- Yes, as here are the proves and clues, I’m afraid we ________.

  A. can; must B. may; have to C. must; must D. must; have to

  5. Lots of people like the Legend傳奇 of Miyue, the most popular TV play _____ is based upon an online novel.

  A. what B. who C. which D. that

  6. A quarrel __________ between the couple, which made their son break away from the family. A. broke into B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out

  7. --- Have you read the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them?

  --- Yeah, it’s truly worth ______. It’s _____ interesting that I’ve read it twice.

  A. reading; too B. to read; enough C. reading; so D. to read; such

  8. ---What do you think of the concert given by the artist?

  ---Exciting, _______ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well.

  A. though B. unless C. because D. since

  9. --- When did you finish reading your favorite novel last night?

  --- _________________.

  A. For my mother came back B. Since my mother came back

  C. Until my mother came back D. Not until my mother came back

  10. ---I’m sorry, sir. I’ve made lots of mistakes in the monthly exam.

  ---Never mind. ___________, the exam is a bit difficult.

  A. In all B. Above all C. After all D. First of all

  11. ---What did your Chinese teacher ask you just now?

  ---She asked _______________.

  A. who was I waiting for B. if I was feeling better

  C. how she can help me D. where did I go

  12. --- Sorry for not answering your call. I ___________ a meeting.

  --- It doesn’t matter.

  A. had B. was having C. would have D. have had

  13. If you don’t have dinner in the dining hall, _________.

  A. neither will I B. neither do I C. so will I D. so do I

  14. ---I got up early this morning and have bought the concert ticket.

  --- Aha! .

  A. Practice makes perfect B. The early bird catches the worm

  C. Many hands make light work D. Every dog has its day

  15. --- I’m thinking of the exam tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass it.

  --- __________!

  A. Go on B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up

  二、完形填空共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,計 15 分


  Jackie Chan is one of the most popular TV and film stars, not only in China but also in the world.He was born in 16 , on April 7th, 1954.His parents left Mainland of China 17 Hong Kong a short time before he was born.His parents named him “Chan Kong-sang”, which 18 born in Hong Kong.They wanted to celebrate a 19 trip to Hong Kong.

  At first, Jackie’s family 20 in the French Embassy大使館.His father worked as a cook, and his mother was a housekeeper.They were not very rich.Then Jackie was seven years old, his family 21 to Australia . There his father 22 a job in the American Embassy.Later, they went back to Hong Kong.Jackie’s father 23him to the China Drama Academy.But he couldn’t give his son enough 24 .Jackie had to do some part-time 2 after school.He studied and 26for 19 hours a day.The students 27 Kungfu and learned how to do many stunts特技 there.

  When Jackie was only 17, he began to do 28 stunts for films . In the early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood, 29 he wasn’t very successful.He went on to act in films in Hong Kong and had great 30 .Finally in 1995, Jackie Chan became famous in the United States.Today, Jackie Chan has both Chinese and American fans, and he earns millions of dollars from his films.

  16.A.Shanghai B.Beijing C.Hong Kong D.Guangzhou

  17.A.to B.in C.for D.at

  18.A.was B.is C.mean D.means

  19.A.right B.bad C.dangerous D.safe

  20.A.worked B.studied C.lived D.acted

  21.A.hurried B.returned C.left D.went

  22.A.gave B.got C.made D.learned

  23.A.drove B.threw C.needed D.sent

  24.A.time B.job C.money D.study

  25.A.money B.skills C.jobs D.activities

  26.A.directed B.worked C.lived D.covered

  27.A.practised B.watched C.copied D.saw

  28.A.safe B.dangerous C.interested D.excited

  29.A.and B.but C.however D.so

  30.A.success B.money C.chance D.time

  三、閱讀理解共 15 小題;每小題 2 分,計 30 分



  Some children have become “leftover children”留守兒童 because their parents have left their home to make a living in big cities. These children need more care and attention. The survey below has been made recently among 200 children from several villages in China.

  What they want Love Money Freedom Control Something 30% 25% 21% 10% else 14%

  Who they want to talk with Classmates 27% Family members 60% No one 13%

  Whether they can talk with their parents freely Yes 52% No 13% A little difficult 35%

  The way they prefer to live Living with Living with grandparents No idea 28. 5% parents 58% 13.5%

  Ideas about parents' Bad 26% Good 30.5% No idea 43. 5% working in the city

  The happiest place School 59% Home 35% Friends' homes 6%

  31. Of all the needs,the leftover children need most.

  A. love B. freedom C. money D. control

  32. _____ of the 200 children don't want their parents to work in the city.

  A. Fifty-two B. Eighty-eight C. Ninety-three D. One hundred

  33. The leftover children consider the happiest place.

  A. big cities B. their own home C. friends' homes D. their school


  Gabriel Garcia Márquez, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, passed away at the age of 86 on April 17, 2014. The world paused 停頓 to remember the cultural giant .

  Garcia Márquez was born in Colombia, but he spent most of his adult life in Mexico City. As one of the most famous writers, he was widely regarded as “a giant of 20th-century literature”. Garcia Márquez wrote in a style called “magical realism魔幻現實主義”. In such works, people live a daily life in a certain period of time in history. But meanwhile, magical things happen to them.

  Garcia Márquez is best known for his 1967 novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude 《百年孤獨》, which has sold about 50 million copies. It tells the tale of the small and isolated town of Macondo which was separated from the outside world –of its founding and its troubled history over a hundred years . The story is a metaphor暗喻 for the development of Colombia since the 19century. As Colombian President Juan Manuel Santons said, Garcia Márquez wrote about “the very essence本質 of the Latin American beings ” .

  34. Garcia Márquez was born in the year _________.

  A.1914 B.1928 C.1967 D.1982

  35. The underlined word “isolated”means ________.

  A.隔絕的 B.安逸的 C.喧囂的 D.繁華的

  36. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Garcia Márquez? A.He was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. B.His novel One Hundrend Years of Solitude was a great success. C.He was widely known as “a giant of 20th-century literature ”. D.Magical things happened to him during his stay in Mexico City.

  37. The writer quotes引用from the President to ______.

  A.praise Garcia Márquez for his achievement B.show the deep sadness of the President C.explain the writing style of Garcia Márquez D.describe the character of Garcia Márquez


  Among various programs, TV talk shows have covered all space on daytime television. But no two shows are more opposite, while at the same time standing out above the rest, are the Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey shows.

  Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of "rubbish talk". The topics on his show are as surprising as can be. For example, the show takes the ever-common talk show titles of love, sex, cheating, and hate, to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is about the dark side of society, yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other people's lives.

  Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes the TV talk show to its top. But Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show is mainly about the improvement of society and different quality of  life. Topics are from teaching your children lessons, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.

  Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being poured into society. Jerry ends every show with a "final word". He makes a small speech about the general idea of the show. Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.

  Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The show's main audience are middle-class Americans. Most of the people have the time, money and ability to deal with life's tough problems.

  Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of a connection with the young adults of society. These are people around 20 years old whose main troubles in life include love, relationship, sex , money and drugs. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned throung the talk shows.

  38. Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows are ________.

  A. more interesting B. unusually popular

  C. more detailed D. more formal

  39. Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear unpleasant, people who watch the shows ________.

  A. show disbelief in them B. are ready to face the problems

  C. remain cold to them D. are willing to get away from them

  40. Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?

  A. A new type of robot. B. National hatred 憎恨.

  C. Family income planning. D. Street accident.

  41. We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows _________________.

  A. have become the only one of its kind B. shows the weakness in human nature

  C. appear at different times of the day D. attract different people


  During the past week, Beijing has been covered with thick smog that is forecast to stay until this weekend at least.

  The smog, covering 1.43 million square kilometers mainly in northern China, made the Beijing government give an orange alert - the second-highest warning - and ordered people not to leave their homes.

  A study in 2013 by researchers at Tsinghua University said that there were more than 1,300 microbes可吸入顆粒 in the atmosphere over Beijing. Although most of them may do no harm to human health, the number still makes people worried.

  Zhuang Guoshun, director of the Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Study at Fudan University, said Beijing is covered by smog for an average of 60 percent of the year, while the number for Shanghai is 30 to 50 percent.

  However, research studies have found that higher air pollution levels do not exactly mean higher risks of early death or other health illnesses.

  One of the scientists' main attentions is the level of PM2.5 - floating matter of 2.5 microns 微米or smaller, which can go deep into the lungs肺 and even enter the blood.

  Guangzhou and Shanghai in the south of China have slightly higher relative risks to early death from the effects of PM2.5 than Xi'an and Beijing in the north, even though the levels of PM2.5 in the northern cities were nearly twice those in the south, according to a study published in September 2013, led by Pan Xiaochuan, a professor at Peking University's School of Public Health.

  42. What colour warning is the second-highest one?

  A. Blue. B. Orange. C.Red. D.Black.

  43. The third paragraph mainly tells us that __________.

  A. the number of microbes worries people B. smog does no harm to our health

  C.the professor is from Fudan University D.Beijing must pay attention to the pollution now

  44. According to the fourth paragraph, we can see that in a year Shanghai is covered with smog at least __________ days.

  A.73 B. 110 C. 146 D. 183

  45. Which city has a little higher relative risk to early death from PM 2.5?

  A.Xi’an B.Beijing C. Nanjing D. Guangzhou

  第Ⅱ卷 非選擇題 60 分

  四、詞彙應用共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,計 10 分


  46. Audrey Hepburn’s achievements went ____________ 超越 the film industry.

  47. We are considering ___________取消 the meeting this Friday because of the snowstorm.

  48. Van Gogh is _____________ 或許、大概the best- known painter in the world.

  49. The hotels in Shanghai are famous for their excellent ________ 服務.

  50. There is an ________最新的 report on this hot topic, you can pay attention to it..

  51. The actress, in her late ________ forty, won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in the film.

  52. I wonder if Sydney is often _________ mistake for the capital of Australia.

  53. From the clapping, we could see the audience were pleased with these _________ act performance.

  54. Some people think such a problem should be dealt with ________peace.

  55. It was such a _________ tired journey that everyone felt uncomfortable.

  五、任務型閱讀共 10 空;每空 1 分,計 10 分


  Sweet wormwood 青蒿 is a common plant in China, but it has the power to cure the deadly disease called malaria 瘧疾. Tu Youyou born in 1930 in Ninbo, Zhejiang Province, is the woman who uses the plant’s special power to save millions of lives.

  On October 5, Tu got the award of the 2015 Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine. She shared it with two other scientists from the US and Japan. Tu is the first native Chinese to receive a Noble Prize in natural sciences.

  When she was still a high school student, she became interested in both traditional and modern medicine. When Tu joined the national research team to find the medicine that could fight against malaria in the 1960s, things were hard, the team didn’t have modern tools then. Tu used to take the medicine herself to test medicines.

  To do research, Tu also had to move around a lot. Once she returned home after traveling for six months. Her little daughter didn’t recognize her and hid from the “strange woman ”.

  Finally , Tu found artemisinin 青蒿素 in sweet wormwood in 1971. She spent the next ten years trying to make the medicine better. According to the WHO, about 200 million people suffer from malaria around the world, and about half a million die each year. Artemisinin is still the best treatment against malaria today.

  Tu was modest about receiving the award: “The award means the whole research team succeeded.”She also thinks it is scientists’ duty to fight for the health of all humans. She never complained about how hard she works. “I feel more rewarded when I see so many cured patients,” she said .

  Tu Youyou --- A Great 56 Woman Scientist

  Modest ______The Nobel Prize means a 58 for the whole research team

  Personalities and it’s her duty to fight for the health of all human.

  57 ______Tu used to test medicines by 59 them herself.

  ______Tu had to move a lot and didn’t go home for six months.

  ______In the60 , Tu joined the national research team to find the medicine against malaria.

  Working experiences ______In 1971, Tu 61 artemisini in sweet wormwood .

  ______In the next ten years she tried to 62 the medicine.

  ______On October 5, Tu was 64 the 2015 Nobel Prize in

  63 Physiology or Medicine.

  ______Artemisinin is still the best treatment 65 malaria today .

  六、缺詞填空共 10 空;每空 1 分,計 10 分


  In 2013, an ancient tomb 墓 was found in Xihu Town of Yangzhou. Archaeologists confirmed that it b 66 to Emperor Yang and Empress Xiao of Sui Dynasty 581-618. Also a, large number of objects with historical and c 67value were found. Emperor Yang was considered as one of the cruelest Emperors in Chinese history. He killed many people, i 68his brother. He had been the king of Guangling for 10 years and fell in l69 with Yangzhou. In order to come to Yangzhou easily, he had t 70 of people build theGrand Canel, the mother river of Yangzhou. But it b 71 people a lot of suffering. As a result,people all over the country fought against him. F 72 , he was hanged by his soldiers during his third travel in Yangzhou. And the Sui Dynasty e 73 .Now a mausoleum陵墓 is being built to p 74 the tomb by the local government. In the future, it will be one of the most important a 75 of Yangzhou.

  七、書面表達計 30 分

  A.根據中文意思,完成下列句子。共 5 小題;每小題 2 分,計 10 分76、原來空氣汙染比我們所想像的要嚴重得多。77、在劇中扮演主角標誌著她成功事業的開始。78、租一輛自行車在揚州城逛逛是很愜意的。79、那位襯衫上有血跡的男人與這起案子有關。80、她被公認為是電影界的一個超級明星。

  B.寫作計 20 分

  假如你最近正在做一個關於同學們課餘生活的調查,你發現大家有著豐富多彩的愛好和活動,比如閱讀、聽音樂、看電視、看電影……請以“Our hobbies”為題,根據下面的表格內容要點,完成一篇英語短文。

  要求 1、表達清楚,語法正確,上下文連貫。2、必須包含表格中所有相關資訊,並適當發揮。

  3、詞數 100 字左右作文開頭、結尾已給出,不計入總詞數。

  4、不用使用真實姓名、校名和地名等。閱讀 一些同學喜歡讀充滿神祕、恐怖的偵探書籍,一些喜歡讀關於自然世界的書籍。

  聽音樂 不但喜歡現代流行的,而且喜歡中國傳統音樂和西方音樂相融合。

  看電影、電視 男生們喜歡看紀錄片,動作片和直播的籃球賽。


  你自己的愛好 …… 並講述你的理由,至少兩點

  Our hobbies

  These days, I am doing a survey on my classmates’ after-school activities. I find that I do hope we can enjoy our colorful life.









  46.beyond 47.canceling/cancelling 48.probably 49.service 50.up-to-date 51.forties 52.mistaken 53.actors’ 54.peacefully 55.tiring


  56. Chinese 57. Hard-working 58. success 59. taking 60. 1960s 61. found 62. improve 63. Achievements

  64. awarded 65. against


  66.belonged/ belongs 67.cultural 68.including 69.love 70.thousands 71.brought 72.Finally 73.ended 74.protect 75.attractions


  76. It turned out that air pollution was much more serious than we imagined.

  77. Playing the lead/major role in the play marked the beginning of her successful career.

  78. It is very pleasant to hire a bike and cycle/ride around Yangzhou.

  79. That man with blood on his shirt had something to do with the case.

  80. She was considered as/ to be a superstar in the film industry.

