
General 更新 2024年10月06日



  Ralph Waldo Emerson

  What is success?

  To laugh often and love much;

  To win the respect of intelligent people

  And the affection of children;

  To earn the approbation of honest critics

  And endure the betrayal of false friends;

  To appreciate beauty;

  To find the best in others;

  To give one?s self;

  To leave the world a little better,

  Whether by a healthy child,

  A garden patch,

  Or a redeemed social condition;

  To have played and laughed with enthusiasm

  And sung with exultation;

  To know even one life has breathed easier,

  Because you have lived...

  This is to have succeeded.


  By Sally Meyer c 1997 all rights reserved

  It didn't begin in a stable and not in Bethlehem.

  It started with an angel in Mary's native land.

  'Twas in a town called Nazareth Gabriel came to the virgin fair.

  Saying, "Blessed art thou among women," Our Father's Son you'll bear.

  Then the angel visited the carpenter who Mary intended to wed.

  He came to Joseph in a dream as he lay upon his bed.

  "Fear not thou son of David," to take Mary for your wife.

  The child of God will need you to tend him in this life.

  The big day came, Jesus was born In a manger on a pad of hay.

  The angels sang to herald the King on the very first Christmas day.

  Then off to spread the happy news to shepherds attending their lambs.

  The angel chimed, "Glad tidings I bring" and goodwill to all the land.

  The frightened shepherds found comfort in the angelic heavenly chorus.

  They sang of peace and joy and a babe who would someday come before us.

  Herod sent his wisest men to find the infant King.

  So off from the east they followed the star, and precious gifts did bring.

  As they departed, an angel told of Herod's wicked plan.

  He didn't want to worship the child, but destroy the Son of Man.

  Joseph heeded the angel's words, and to Egypt they did flee.

  Then listened again when Herod died, and returned to Galilee.

  Many years before Christ's birth another prophet was told.

  An angel talked to Samuel, a Lamanite of old.

  Who were these herald angels chosen by God above?

  What valiant servants they must have been to bring us his message of love.


  By Sally Meyer c 1997 all rights reserved

  While shepherds careful vigil kept o'er lambs in fields of green.

  The sky took on a brilliant glow and lit the grassy scene.

  In dread they looked upon the star that rose anew that night.

  Then angels came to calm their fears and tell of the heavenly light.

  In word and song they shared the news of the babe who was their king.

  They sang of peace and love and joy, and the good will he would bring.

  The keepers of the flocks arose and followed the heavenly beam,

  But not to gleaming palace walls as it would surely seem.

  It led them to an earthen stall where cattle and goats were kept.

  And in the manger soft and warm, the little Jesus slept.

  Tears filled up their tired eyes and ran down wind burned cheeks.

  They had found the promised one, for whom the world still seeks.

  Though they were watchers of the flocks, tenders of lamb and ewe,

  He was the keeper of God's flock, HE was the shepherd true.


  By Sally Meyer c 1997 all rights reserved

  How much different would things have been,

  If maybe there had been room at the inn?

  No hay, no manger, no beasts, no stall.

  Rather, plenty of beds and blankets for all.

  Not a proprietor in his right mind

  Would allow all those shepherds, the filthiest kind,

  To enter the doors of his establishment,

  Not even the ones, who by angels were sent!

  And the star overhead, no matter the beam,

  Through walls made of mud, would not have been seen.

  No bleating of lamb, no cooing of bird.

  Would songs of the angels have even been heard?

  Maybe the kings would have been turned away.

  Foreigners weren't welcome in that place or that day.

  Don't blame the innkeepers doing their jobs.

  How could they know it was the Son of God?

  Like the rest of his life, it was part of the plan.

  A humble birth, a humble man.

  Yes, it happened as it should have been,

  No place to stay. No room in the inn.
