
General 更新 2024年09月30日



  I. 聽單詞, 從A, B, C, D中找出你所聽到的單詞。5分

  1. A. back B. milk C. neck D. quick

  2. A. wild B. world C. word D. work

  3. A. street B. straightC. stress D. stray

  4. A. vocabulary B. sightseeing C. badminton D. translate

  5. A. kilometer B. invitation C. calendar D. transportation

  II. 聽單詞, 在句子空白處填寫你所聽到的單詞的反義詞。5分

  1. I think the diet is________.

  2. The first class ________ at ten to nine.

  3. The children think she's ________.

  4. Your ruler is ________ than mine.

  5. Which camera is ________, this one or that one?

  III. 略

  IV. 聽短文,根據其內容在下面句子的空白處填寫一個適當的詞詞首字母已給出。5分

  1. Mr Hunt was the writer's f________ teacher.

  2. The children listened to Mr Hunt carefully because he made his classes l______.

  3. Mr Hunt couldn't go to college because he was p________.

  4. Mr Hunt began to teach s________ after high school.

  5. The children often went to see Mr Hunt during their________ .


  I. 詞彙。10分


  1. Can you find the______different between Lily and Lucy?

  2. Many children are away from school because of______ill.

  3. On weekends they often go______fish.

  4. After a______quickly breakfast, Tom went to work.

  5. It's important to eat a______balance diet.

  II. 單項選擇。10分

  1.―Do you often go to the movies______Sundays?

  ―No, we______.

  A. on, don't B. on, aren't

  C. in, do D. in, don't

  2. My father is ill. So I have to look______him at home.

  A. for B. after C. up D. at

  3. ―What are you doing tomorrow?

  ―Nothing much.______

  A. Only some housework.

  B. What would you like?

  C. Certainly! Here you are.

  D. I'd like to.

  4. -How far is the shop from here?


  A. It is about five hundred meters

  B. It's there

  C. It's ten minutes

  D. Go down this street

  5. The story sounds______.

  A. true B. truly

  C. are true D. as true

  III. 根據答語完成問句。10分

  1. -____________on weekends?

  -I often go to the movies.

  2. -____________on Sunday morning?

  -They always eat at a restaurant on Sunday morning.

  3. -____________?

  -She visits her aunt once a week.

  4. -____________on weekends?

  - He usually goes shopping with his mother.

  5. -____________?

  -I go to the library once a week.

  IV. 句型轉換。10分

  1. Mr Black had to take Tom to the hospital last week. 對劃線部分提問

  ________ ________ Mr Black________ to do last week?

  2. They did some work last night. 改為否定句

  They________ ________ ________ work last night.

  3. She leaves home at eight every day.改為一般疑問句

  ________ she________ home at eight every day?

  4. Can they go to the concert? 作否定回答

  ________ ,________ ________ .

  5. Lin Fei's home is about 10 kilometres away from school.對劃線部分提問

  ________ ________ is Lin Fei's home from school?

  V. 連詞成句, 注意句後的標點符號。10分

  1. you, often, do, how, milk, drink

  __________________________________ ?

  2. stayed, all, night, the, window, open, the

  __________________________________ .

  3. are, coming, what, time, you, back

  __________________________________ ?

  4. stop, a, let's, have, rest, to

  __________________________________ .

  5. have, to, go, the, I, doctor, to, see

  __________________________________ .

  VI. 閱讀下面的短文,用括號內所給動詞的適當形式填空。10分

  Football is a popular sport. World Cup is a game that all the good players want1______play most. It is held every four years. Only the best team can 2______win the last game.

  The 1998 World Cup was held in France. Hundreds of thousands of people 3______go to the games or watched them on TV day and night. They hoped that their favorite team would 4______become the world's best one.

  Football is a team sport. There are eleven players in each team of a game. The earliest games of football in England 5______be not like what we know today. Games were played between two towns. Each team of the town 6______have more than five hundred players, and each team had to try 7______carry the ball to the other team's town. Today some towns in England still 8______play games like that.

  VII. 閱讀理解。10分

  People in many countries are learning English. Some of them are small children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV or in films. One must work hard to learn another language.

  Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required 要求 for study. They study their own language and math and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, because at colleges or universities some of their books are in English. Some people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.


  1. Teenagers, adults and___________learn English.

  A. workers B. farmers C. children D. people

  2. People learn English________.

  A. at schools B. over the radio

  C. on TV D. not all in the same way

  3. Different kinds of people learn English ________.

  A. together with other subjects

  B. for different reasons

  C. for their work

  D. for higher studies at college

  4. From this passage we know that________.

  A. we can learn English easily

  B. English is very difficult to learn

  C. English is learned by all people in the world

  D. English is a useful language but one must work hard to learn it

  5. Which of the following is right?________.

  A. We don't need to learn any foreign languages

  B. We can do well in all our work without English

  C. English is the most important subject in schools

  D. We should learn English because we need to face the world

  VIII. 書面表達。10分



  I. 1. milk 2. wild 3. stress 4. translate 5. calendar

  1-5 BACDC

  II. 1. unhealthy 2. finishes 3. friendly 4. longer 5. better

  1. healthy 2. starts 3. unfriendly 4. shorter 5. worse

  IV. I still remember Mr Hunt, my first teacher, though I left our school twenty years ago. He was a short man with a pair of glasses. He was friendly to us all and we always listened to him carefully in class. He always made his classes lively. I heard he was born in a poor family. He often wore old clothes, but he was good at his lessons. He knew much but had no money to go to college. He had to teach science in the small school. We often went to see him during our vacation. He died five years ago, in 1998.

  1. first 2. lively 3. poor 4. science 5. vacation


  I. 1. differences 2. illness 3. fishing 4. quick 5. balanced

  II. 1. A. 在具體某一天用介詞on,行為動詞go的一般現在時的否定回答,應藉助於助動詞don't,所以選A。2. B. "照顧某人"應用look after sb.。3. A. 由題意判斷,答語應是回答幹什麼,只有A適合。 4. A. how far用來提問距離,只有A項表示距離。 5. A. 這句話的意思是"這個故事聽起來是真的", sound是系動詞,後面應加形容詞作表語。

  III. 1. What do you often do 2. Where do they always eat 3. How often does she visit her aunt 4. What does he usually do 5. How often do you go to the library?

  IV. 1. What did, have 2. didn't do any 3. Does,leave 4. No, they can't 5. How far

  V. 1. How often do you drink milk

  2. The window stayed open all the night

  3. What time are you coming back

  4. Let's stop to have a rest

  5. I have to go to see the doctor

  VI. 1. to play 2. win 3. went 4. become 5. were 6. had 7. to carry 8. play

  VII. 1-5 CDBDD

  VIII. One possible version:

  Teacher: Next Sunday we are going on a field trip.

  Students: What are we going to do?

  Teacher: Let's talk about it.

  Student A: Let's go swimming. We are good at swimming.

  Student B: Why don't we go fishing? Or maybe we can go to the mountains.

  Teacher: All right. Let's go to the mountains next Sunday.

