
General 更新 2024年10月06日



  Ji Chang Learns Archery

  Gan Ying was a crack shot in ancient times. Once he pulled his bow, the animals he shot at would fall and the birds he shot at would drop. He hit the target with every shot. His disciple, named Fei Wei, learned diligently and practised hard, and surpassed his teacher in archery.


  A man named Ji Chang came to Fei Wei to learn archery. Fei Wei said to Ji Chang:


  "You must first train your eyes not to blink. Then I can talk with you about archery."


  Ji Chang returned home. Following Fei Wei's instructions, he lay face up under his wife's loom, with his eyes fixed on the foot tweezers moving up and down.


  After training in this way for two years, his eyes would not blink even when an awl was flying towards them. Ji Chang gladly reported the result of his training to Fei Wei.


  Fei Wei said:


  "This is not enough. You must train your eyesight, then we can talk about archery. You must train till you can magnify small things into big ones, and see minute things distinctly."


  Ji Chang returned home and hung a louse on the window with an ox tailhair. Every day he faced south and stared at it with fixed concentration. Over 10 days later, he felt that the louse was becoming bigger. After 3 years, it looked as big as a carriage wheel. Then he looked at other things and they became as big as small hills in his eyes.


  Thereupon, he took an arrow and shot at the louse. He hit the center of the louse with one single shot, while the ox tailhair was untouched and still hanging on the window.


  Ji Chang ran to tell this to Fei Wei. Fei Wei gladly patted him on the chest and said:


  "You have really mastered the skill of archery."



  Different Results from the Same Course

  During the Spring and Autumn Period, a Shi family in the State of Lu had two sons. One of them studied liberal arts and the other martial arts.


  The son who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qi to advocate his doctrines, which were well received by the Lord of Qi. The Lord appointed him Tai Fu ***one of the three highest officials to teach several princes of the State of Lu.


  The son who studied martial arts went to the State of Chu to tell the King of Chu his own military strategies. The King of Chu gladly asked him to stay to help administer military and political affairs.


  The two sons of the Shi family achieved success and fame, brought honour to their ancestors, and the whole family enjoyed high position and enormous wealth.


  The next-door family, the Meng family, also had two sons. They learned liberal arts and martial arts in the same way, but remained poor and frustrated.


  The Meng family was envious of the Shi family’s achievements, and visited them to ask about the ways of winning promotion and getting rich. The two sons of the Shi family told the Meng family their experiences as they were.


  Thereupon, the son of the Meng family who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qin to advocate "benevolence and righteousness". At this, the King of Qin was very displeased. He said:


  "Nowadays the feudal lords under the emperor are seeking hegemony and fighting one another. We should devote our efforts to farming and preparations for war. If we adopt your doctrines of benevolence and righteousness to govern our state, we will be on the way to destruction." Then he ordered to castrate the son of the Meng family and deport him from the State of Qin.


  The other son of the Meng family who studied martial arts went to the State of Wei and talked at length with the Lord of Wei about the doctrine of strengthening the army. The Lord of Wei was very disgusted and said angrily:


  "Our state is small and weak, and situated in between several large states. We treat the large states with reverence and courtesy, and the small states with respect and care. This is the only correct strategy to keep peace and guarantee safety. If we follow what you said and mobilize the army for war, our state will be destroyed very soon. Today, if I let you go intact to other states to confuse and poison people's minds to wantonly engage in military aggression, it will certainly put us in big danger." So he ordered to cut off both feet of the son of the Meng family and drive him back to the State of Lu.


  When the two sons of the Meng family returned home, they and their father, all three of them, rushed to the Shi family to rebuke them.


  After the Shi family learned about the situation, they said with a sigh of emotion:


  "Only those who understand the times will get along smoothly in life. Otherwise they will end up in tragic failure. Though your sons have learned the same things as ours, the results are entirely different from ours."



  Xue Tan Learns to Sing

  Qin Qing was a famous singer in the State of Qin.


  A young man named Xue Tan acknowledged him as teacher to learn singing and playing musical instruments from him.


  Xue Tan learned for a certain period of time, but before he had mastered the skill of his teacher, he thought that he had learned all.


  One day, Xue Tan planned to leave his teacher for home. His teacher knew he was leaving and did not urge him to stay.


  The day Xue Tan said goodbye to his teacher and set out for home, Qin Qing accompanied him on his way and gave him an especial farewell dinner outside the city. During the dinner, Qin Qing beat time and sang a solemn and stirring song. His resounding voice shook the trees along the road; his beautiful singing kept the clouds lingering in the sky.


  Xue Tan heard the singing and felt ashamed of himself. He hurriedly knelt down before his teacher and apologized:


  "Master, after I heard you sing, I can find no place to hide myself for shame. I am ashamed beyond words. I am far from mastering your skill."


  He asked his teacher to forgive him and allow him to stay and resume his learning. From then on, he learned humbly and dared not ask to go home. Later, he said to everyone he met:


  "To learn a skill, how can one be conceited and learn only half-baked knowledge?"


