
General 更新 2024年09月30日



  第一節 完形填空***共10小題;每小題2分,滿分20分***

  閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然後從21—30 各題所給的四個選項***A、B、C和D***中,選出最佳選項,並在答題卡該項塗黑。

  For Chinese students the end of their 21 year is filled with studying and stress as they prepare for the college entrance exams in June. But for American high school seniors the experience couldn’t be more 22 . The end of senior year is a celebration of their time in high school and 23 parties, games and fun.

  Senioritis is a commonly used expression. It means seniors have a disease which makes them 24 to do work. This starts in April when seniors find out where they have been 25 to university.

  Unwilling to do school work, seniors have plenty of other 26 to focus on. Many schools have a “Senior Show”, in which only seniors are allowed to perform. Some seniors sing or dance but many of them perform skits***滑稽短劇***,where they make fun of their favorite teachers or their friends. For example, a group of boys may 27 and imitate a group of their girl friends. It is all very 28 .

  The “Senior Show” is usually a part of Senior Week, which is a week specifically dedicated***專用的*** to seniors. During this week, seniors usually get academic or athletic 29 they have won over their high school careers. The seniors also vote for one of their male and female classmates who they believe is the best-looking or funniest or most involved, etc. These are then 30 in the yearbook.

  21. A. senior B. last C. junior D. third

  22. A. diverse B. different C. various D. similar

  23. A. holds B. involves C. joins D. relates

  24. A. impossible B. able C. hard D. unable

  25. A. accepted B. refused C. received D. acknowledged

  26. A. exams B. subjects C. universities D. activities

  27. A. turn up B. take up C. dress up D. put up

  28. A. heavy-hearted B. warm-hearted C. light-hearted D. cold-hearted

  29. A. games B. awards C. places D. victories

  30. A. described B. appeared C. published D. included

  答案:21-25 ABBDA 26-30 DCCBC

  解析:21. A。後文多個地方提到senior一詞。 22. 很顯然,美國的情況與中國完全不同***different***。23. B。從意義上去判斷。involve意為“加入”。24. D。既然有“disease”就會使他們不能***unable***學習。選項C的hard不能與表示人的them搭配。25. A。被學校錄取的搭配是be accepted/admitted to university。26. D。從後面可判斷:他們舉行很多活動。27. C。此處應關注後文中的“imitate”一詞。28. C。這些活動就是為了解脫繁重的學習,當然應該是輕鬆的***light-hearted***了。29. B。能與win和academic or athleti搭配的詞就是awards。30. C。注意後面的“in the yearbook”。


  閱讀下面短文,根據上下文填入適當的詞語,或使用括號中的詞語的適當形式填空,並將答案填寫在答題捲上標號為31— 40的相應位置。

  I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma. I remember tearing across town 31 my bike to visit her on the day my big sister dropped the bomb: “There is no Santa Claus.” she laughed. “Even dummies***傻瓜*** know that!” I 32 ***flee*** to Grandma 33 I knew she would be straight with me. She always told the truth.

  “No Santa Claus?” she said. “Ridiculous! Don’t believe 34 . Put on your coat, and let’s go.” “Go where, Grandma?” I asked.

  As we walked through the doors of the general store Grandma handed me ten dollars and said, “Buy something for someone 35 needs it. I’ll wait for you in the car.”

  I was only eight years old. Never had I shopped for anything all by myself. For a few moments I just stood there, 36 ***wonder*** what to buy, and who to buy it 37 . I thought of everybody I knew. Then I thought about Bobbie Decker.

  He was my classmate with bad breath and 38 ***mess*** hair, and he sat right behind me. He didn’t have a coat. I knew that because he never went out to play games during the winter. I held 39 bill with growing 40 ***excite***. I would buy Bobbie a coat.

  答案:31. on 32. fled 33.because/as 35.who 36.wondering 37. for 38. messy 39. the 40. excitement

  解析:31. 騎自行車可以說by bike或on one’s bike。32. 用過去時。33. 主從句之間構成因果關係。34. 這裡指的是不要相信“那種說法”,用代詞it或that。35. 定語從句修飾不定代詞someone。36. –ing形式表示伴隨狀態。37. 注意前面的who,邏輯的順序應是buy it for who***m***。38. 形容詞修飾名詞hair。39. 名詞bill前要用定冠詞,因為它特指前面的ten dollars。40. 形容詞後接名詞形式。

  II. 閱讀***共兩節,滿分40分***

  第一節 閱讀理解***共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分***



  It is not too much to say of him, as Robert Schumann did, that “music owes as much to Bach as Christianity to its Founder”.

  Bach wrote a library of music as incomparable for its extensiveness as for its artistic merit.

  It is indeed curious that this uniquely productive genius should have been neglected for almost a century following his death in 1750, and other manuscripts were disposed of by his sons for about ten each. The manuscripts of his solo sonatas were discovered on their way to a butcher shop to be used as wrapping paper. And his music remained virtually unperformed for some eighty years.

  The rediscovery of Back began in 1802, when the German musicologist Forkel published a biography of Bach. “This sublime genius,” wrote Forkel, “this prince of musicians dwarfs all others from the heights of superiority.” With the launching in 1850 of the complete edition of Bach’s works, music lovers were gradually to arrive at a full appreciation of his contribution to music.

  Bach can be called the founder of the art of modern piano playing, for he taught that the fingers should be equally developed to play the organ, the lower joints held curved and the wrist and arm kept flexible. Before his time, organists had played with only the four fingers of the hand, but Bach used the thumb as well, and the results were such that other musicians soon followed his example.

  41. The words “music owes as much to Bach as Christianity to its Founder” implies Bach ______.

  A. is a music genius

  B. is among the founders of music

  C. has made extremely important contribution to the art of music

  D. is the god of music to music-lovers

  42. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. It was not until eighty years after his death that people were able to fully understand Bach’s contribution to music.

  B. The world had not paid much attention to Bach’s creation for nearly a century.

  C. Bach began to be rediscovered more than half a century after his death.

  D. Bach’s music had remained virtually unperformed for about eighty years.

  43. “Bach wrote a library of music” means _______________.

  A. Bach has been writing his music in a library

  B. Bach wrote a great amount of music

  C. Bach’s music could be found in a library

  D. The value of Bach’s music is equal to that of a library

  44. Bach can be called the founder of the art of modern piano playing, because he _____.

  A. composed a lot of piano playing pieces

  B. was very talented in piano playing

  C. made an important innovation in piano playing technique

  D. played piano very well

  45. The whole passage is organized in the order of Bach’s ________.

  A. contributionàobscurity***身份低微***à rediscovery

  B. greatnessàcontributionà rediscovery

  C. obscurityàcontributionà greatness

  D. obscurityàrediscoveryà contribution

  答案:41—45 CABCD

  解析:41. C。要正確理解這句話的含義,需要明白Christianity和its Founder之間的關係。Founder對於Christianity來說至關重要,而Bach對於music來說也一樣。 42. A。至少在年去世後100年***即1850***年後人們才開始關注他的音樂的。43. B。a library of中library用作量詞,表示數量很大。44. C。細節理解題。從最後一段中的“for he taught that the fingers should…other musicians soon followed his example”可看出來。45. D。文章就是按照Bach從默默無聞到被人們重新認識再到評價他的貢獻來展開的。


  Like many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?

  Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.

  A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.

  Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high-voltage***電壓*** transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.

  The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve? What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?

  Heroes are catalysts ***催化劑*** for change. They have a vision from the mountaintop. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr., we might still have segregated***隔離的*** buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for large-scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.

  46. Although heroes may come from different cultures, they _______.

  A. generally possess certain inspiring characteristics

  B. probably share some weaknesses of ordinary people

  C. are often influenced by previous generations

  D. all unknowingly attract a large number of fans

  47. According to the passage, heroes are compared to high-voltage transformers in that ____.

  A. they have a vision from the mountaintop

  B. they have warm feelings and emotions

  C. they can serve as concrete***具體的*** examples of noble principles

  D. they can make people feel stronger and more confident

  48. Madonna and Michael Jackson are not considered heroes because ________.

  A. they are popular only among certain groups of people

  B. their performances do not improve their fans morally

  C. their primary concern is their own financial interests

  D. they are not clear about the principles they should follow

  49. Gandhi and Martin Luther King are typical examples of outstanding leaders who _____.

  A. are good at demonstrating their charming characters

  B. can move the masses with the skill and the charm

  C. are capable of meeting all challenges and hardships

  D. can provide an answer to the problems of their people

  50. The author concludes that historical changes would ______.

  A. be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities

  B. not happen without heroes making the necessary sacrifices

  C. take place if there were heroes to lead the people

  D. produce leaders with attractive personalities

  答案:46—50 ACBBA

  解析:46. A。細節判斷題。從文中的“heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people”可以得出結論。47. C。英雄就像變壓器,能“step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people”。48. B。因為雖然他們是“famous”,但是“who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?”。既然他們的歌迷的生活沒有變得更有意義,也就是“do not improve their fans morally”。49. B。通過文章的結構來判斷。“They have the skill and the charm to move the masses”是主題句,Gandhi and Martin Luther King等的事情是例項。50. A。細節判斷題。文中有“without leaders…the pace of change would be slow”。


  BEIJING, May 5***Xinhua***—The number of Chinese children infected with hand-foot-mouth disease ***HFMD*** continues to rise, with reported cases reaching 9,251 by Monday.

  The latest HFMD infections occurred in the southwestern Chongqing Municipality which reported 42 sporadic***零星的*** cases since Thursday.

  "No fatal or critical cases have been reported in Chongqing so far," said Liu Kejia, vice director of Chongqing Health Bureau. "The disease prevention and control center has sampled some cases and no enterovirus 71 has been confirmed."

  Beijing has recorded at least 1,482 cases of the disease in all the 18 districts in the city until Monday, of which 818 were reported in kindergartens. The neighboring Hebei Province reported 206 cases on Monday.

  Altogether 25 children have died of the disease. Tests have confirmed 24 of the deaths were triggered by the virus known as enterovirus 71 or EV71.

  According to the Guidelines Regarding Prevention and Control of HFMD published on the Ministry of Health website, HFMD can be caused by a host of intestinal***腸的*** viruses, but EV71 and the Coxsackievirus ***Cox A 16*** were the most common.

  Anhui Province, in east China, and Guangdong Province, south China were the worst hit areas. Twenty-two of the deaths occurred in Fuyang, a city in northwestern Anhui, and the rest in Guangdong.

  Outbreaks have also occurred in Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei provinces, according to statistics released by local health departments.

  In Anhui alone, 622 new cases were reported on Saturday, including 362 in Fuyang, driving up the number of children with HFMD to 5,151 in Anhui.

  Guangdong registered 925 cases as of Sunday.

  Both EV71 and Cox A16 can cause HFMD, which usually starts with a slight fever followed by blisters and ulcers***潰瘍*** in the mouth and rashes***皮疹*** on the hands and feet.

  Those sickened by EV71 often show serious symptoms. It can also lead to meningitis, encephalitis, pulmonary edema and paralysis in some children. There is no vaccine.

  The Health Ministry issued a circular***通告*** late last month requiring better management and surveillance of the disease, as it expects more cases in the next few months.

  The ministry asked hospitals for daily reports on the disease, and for local health departments to report emergencies promptly and increase investment in research into the disease.

  51. It can be inferred that the hand-foot-mouth cases ____________ accordingly.

  A. are still on a rise B. have been reduced to the lowest point

  C. have been under control C. have disappeared

  52. The hand-foot-mouth disease is a kind of ___________ disease.

  A. serious and incurable B. common and curable

  C. slight but fatal D. rare and incurable

  53. According to the passage, ______ deaths occurred in Guangdong Province.

  A. 2 B. 22 C. 71 D. 3

  54. As it is reported that __________ was seriously infected.

  A. Beijing B. Chongqing C. Hunan D. Fuyang

  55. The reason why children are so easily infected is that ___________.

  A. they are too weak to prevent from being infected

  B. they don’t wash their hands before eating

  C. there is no vaccine used to protect them from that disease

  D. the government didn’t take any measures to tackle it

  答案:51—55 ABDDC

  解析:51. A。文中第一段有“with hand-foot-mouth disease ***HFMD*** continues to rise”。52. B。根據全國各地發病情況以及死亡人數可判斷。53. D。根據文中的描述來判斷:“Altogether 25 children have died…wenty-two of the deaths in…Anhui, and the rest in Guangdong.”。54. D。根據Fuyang的死亡人數中判斷。55. D。文章中明確說明了“There is no vaccine.”。

  第二節 資訊匹配 ***共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分***



  A. B. C.

  D. E. F.


  56. This is a horse magazine for young people which teaches them how to ride and look after their horses properly. It offers riding instruction, horse care information and horse interest features. Each issue also contains a breed profile, a quiz, a puzzle page, a pen pal section and several pages for reader pictures and contributions

  57. A magazine featuring the newest products for mom and your children. Keep up to date with children's fashion, education, mom tips and more. It has the coolest trends for your little prince and princess.

  58. It’s a kids’ magazine about science, history, and more. Written with 6- to 9-year-olds in mind, it is about everything from dinosaurs to cathedrals, from distant stars to microbes. It’s sure to spark a child’s curiosity about the arts and sciences, it explores fun and intriguing topics, such as why animals sleep, why people love music, and how the solar system was formed.

  59. Each pet is an individual and must be monitored for weight gain and loss and general health on any diet regime. These diets are an aid and may not suit specific individuals and this magazine, with qualified veterinarians, offers absolutely good advice on how to keep your pets in a excellent state.

  60. A magazine that would interest your son at young age. It might help him become very enthusiastic about the game. It's a magazine with wonderful pictures that can fire up kids about soccer more than even great soccer articles.

  答案:56—60 FAEDB

  IV. 寫作***共兩節,滿分40分***

  第一節 基礎寫作***共1題,滿分15分***





  理 由















  Recently the Student Union has carried out a survey—“To whom do you go when in trouble?” The results are as follows.



  Recently the Student Union has carried out a survey— “To whom do you go when in trouble?” The results are as follows.

  61% of the students surveyed select friends or schoolmates as their ideal listeners when they have trouble. They also want to tell others they trust about something personal, for they think they have a better understanding of each other in the same age group. Another 22% choose teachers and parents to talk to, because in their opinion, teachers and parents are rich in life and education experience. Nevertheless, there are 17% who don’t share their troubles at all. They find it hard to get along well with others.

  第二節 讀寫任務***共1題,滿分25分***


  There is a story telling of a religious master who is said to be capable of moving mountains. A man came to him asking for a demonstration. The master sat in front of a mountain for a moment, then went to the other side of it and declared the end of the demonstration. All the audiences were greatly puzzled and begged him for an explanation. He said, “There has never been a way of moving mountains; what you can do is to go to the mountain if it doesn’t come.”

  One of my friends, though with the makings of a merchant, was bent on being a painter. He resigned from office and devoted himself entirely to painting at home. Several years, however, saw no progress in this regard.

  A painful retrospection bought him to his senses. He made up his mind to take up business in place of painting. It took him only a few years to become a rich businessman. Meanwhile he spent his spare time exchanging experience and skills in painting and calligraphy. His works finally won acclamation by expert painters and were on sale in art gallery and grand hotels. He had his collections published and his dream of becoming a painter came true at last.









  a*** 你可以使用例項或其他論述方法支援你的觀點,也可以參照閱讀材料的內容,但不要抄襲閱讀材料中的句子。

  b*** 標題自定。




  Get yourself changed when facing something unchangeable

  A religious master and a painter tried to change themselves when they were faced with something unchangeable, and as a result they both achieved an eventual change of the world around them.

  The stories remind me of my cousin who used to complain about English learning. He though it unnecessary to learn a foreign language and ignored it at all. As a result, he fell behind the others in his class and even failed in the exam. After realizing that it was not only a main subject but also the most widely spoken language in the world, he developed a good attitude.Thanks to his English teacher, he was well involved in English classes. He practiced listening and speaking English after class. What’s more, he kept an English diary, which helped him think in English. A year later, he became one of the ten top students in his class. Believe it or not, he was even awarded in an English contest in his school.

  As far as I’m concerned, change your attitude when you find the environment unchangeable. Only in this way can you achieve an eventual change of the world around you.
