
General 更新 2025年03月03日




  close one's eyes



  I was very drunk and I did not want to shut my eyes because the room would go round and round.

  1. He closed his eyes but his mouth remained open. 他閉上眼,但嘴依然張開著.

  2. Una closed her eyes to hint that she was tired. 尤娜閉上眼示意她累了.

  3. Now i believe that phrase that you can see with eyes closed. 現在我相信了那句話,你閉上眼仍能看到.

  4. Just close your eyes and roar like a beast. 閉上眼,就聽到效能怪獸般的激情咆哮.

  5. I can see your smile when I close my eyes. 閉上眼你的笑容就在眼前.

  6. Shut our eyes and quiet, the surface of our memories. 安靜旳閉上眼 、 浮現涐們旳回憶.

  7. Close your eyes, beddy bye dolly , Mommy says that it's time for sleep. 閉上眼, 寶寶睡覺啦!

  8. This cake tastes awful; I could make a better one myself with my eyes closed. 這蛋糕味道糟透了, 我閉上眼就可做出比這更好的蛋糕來.

  9. Your skin appears too little, close a key point when you, your mouth waspulled open. 你的面板顯得太少, 當你一閉上眼, 你的嘴巴就被拉開了.

  10. Ask you to try the tight embracing the oneself tightly, shut worthy of a look, like? 請你試著緊緊的抱著自己, 閉上眼, 好 嗎 ?

  11. My eyes strayed far and wide before I shut them and said'Here art thou!' 我四處張望後,閉上眼說: “ 你在這裡! ”

  12. With a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes. 她嘆了口氣,身體向後倚靠,閉上了眼睛。

  13. Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn't see it happen. 露西閉上了眼睛,這樣就不會看到它發生了。

  14. Doris Brown closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep. 多麗絲·布朗閉上眼睛,安然入睡。

  15. Gibson's left eye is completely closed before the end of round one. 在第一回合結束前,吉布森的左眼完全閉上了。

  16. The moment I closed my eyes, I fell asleep. 我閉上眼睛就睡著了。

  17. Close your eyes. Relax. Let your body loosen up. 閉上眼睛。放鬆。讓身體儘量鬆弛。

  18. He lay back and closed his eyes. 他向後靠了靠,閉上眼睛。

  19. When we sneeze, our eyes close. 打噴嚏的時候眼睛會閉上。

  20. Shut your gob. 閉上你的嘴。

  21. Why don't you shut your big mouth? 你怎麼不閉上你的大嘴巴?

  22. Oi! You lot! Shut up! 嘿!你們幾個!閉上嘴巴!

  23. Pemberton frowned and closed his eyes tightly. 彭伯頓皺了皺眉,然後把眼睛緊緊閉上。

  24. Keep your rotten mouth shut. 閉上你的臭嘴!

  25. I closed my eyes at his command. 我按照他的指示閉上了眼睛。

  26. Facer moaned out a sound and then closed his eyes. 費塞呻吟了一聲,然後就閉上了眼睛.

  27. He closed his eyes and made a wish. 他閉上眼睛許了個願.

  28. She snuggled into him and closed her eyes. 她依偎進他懷裡,閉上了眼睛.

  29. If you shut your eyes, you can't see. 閉上眼睛, 你就看不見.

  30. She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things. 她最好閉上嘴巴,而且今後在說出蠢話之前先過過腦子。
