
General 更新 2025年03月04日



  1*** The wheel turns, nothing is ever new. 時過境遷,爛事依然。

  2*** The kiss of love is a deep hug.對愛的人 接吻要深 擁抱要真.

  3*** Stay up late and you\'re far away.熬夜的癮和遙遠的你

  4*** “I am just fooling soft hearted love want to love”原諒我就是這樣 嘴硬愛逞強 心軟愛多想

  5*** I will not bother. ***我不會打擾***

  6*** you will like me [你會喜歡我]

  7*** For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁

  8*** Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。

  9*** Believe that god is fair.***相信上帝是公平的.***

  10*** -I miss you but I miss you. [我想你但我卻錯過了你】


  1*** Wherever you are I believe because of you. 無論你身在何處 我始終相信 因為是你.

  2*** To unmb the pain to laugh off my . 痛到麻木 才能笑得暢快淋漓。

  3*** Be strong , also hurt[再堅強 也會傷]

  4*** No one and you***無人及你***

  5*** 【 As a god ,you must see this 我是守著千瘡百孔的心的膽小鬼】

  6*** I never told you, I wanna hold you。***我從未告訴你,我想擁抱你***

  7*** But I tolerate all the last nothing hold me我容忍了所有最後反倒什麼都容不下我

  8*** This world only you and me.這個世界只有你和我

  9*** The beast heart is the most weak place***禽獸最柔軟的地方是心臟***

  10*** The leaves fall and winter street{落葉飄零的街邊轉眼是冬天}

  11*** Get it, io fortunato. Err, io sono la vita. Di quello.得之,我幸。失之,我命。如此而已。

  12*** Have a nice day [開心每一天]

  13*** Behind every girl's favorite song is an untold story. 每個女孩最喜歡的歌背後,都有個沒講述的故事。

  14*** I love you for long time 我喜歡你很久了

  15*** Saying too much likes the blame that you don*t understand me說太多就好像在怪你不懂我

  16*** I pretended to be indifferent to it 我假裝無所謂才看不到心被擰碎

  17*** Far from eyes,far from heart. 眼不見,心不念。

  18*** The more you get the more you will pay[你得到的越多就要付出越多代價]

  19*** Can you be my love dont wanna be your friend

  20*** ☪Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh 笑到終於哭出來;哭到終於笑出來。


  1*** Like why magnified into love[喜歡何必誇大成愛]

  2*** Nobody could ever replace you . 從來沒有人可以取代你。

  3*** Even with you, I don't care.即使有你,我也不在乎

  4*** heard that it is very easy to be happy, as could be diluted with time going on. 聽說幸福很簡單。簡單

  5*** If I can be pure all the way to the end.如果我可以一路單純到底。

  6*** l love you, but i will never tell you.[我愛你,但我永遠不會告訴你]

  7*** I like you, but I dare not say 我喜歡你,但我不敢說

  8*** If I do not stubborn weak to see who 我若不固執懦弱給誰看

  9*** Not all people will be sincerely to you【不是所有人都會真心對你】

  10*** Sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart——有時候,心中所承受之重是無法用言語來表達的

  11*** give me one reason to stay right beside you

  12*** We just met not to start ***我們只是相遇未曾開始***

  13*** I do all can do[盡我所能]

  14*** :You never into play but I forfeits himself [你從未入戲 我卻賠上了自己]

  15*** He's Just Not That Into You. ***其實他沒那麼喜歡你.***

  16*** Bad days will pass 壞事情總會過去

  17*** Love is a carefully designed lie.愛情是一個精心設計的謊言

  18*** Let it be 隨他吧。

  19*** I\'m just a prisoner of love***我只是做了愛情的奴隸***

  20*** I'm fine, thanks for not asking我很好。謝謝你的忽略。

