
General 更新 2024年09月18日



  一 、定語從句的回顧


  關係代詞:that、which、who 關係副詞:when、where、why一般不可省略

  eg. Fruit that contains vitamin C can relieve a cold.that充當主語

  eg. The man who we met yesterday is a famous psychologist. who充當賓語

  eg. This is the right/very book that you are looking for. that充當賓語





  eg. Fruit that contains vitamin C can relieve a cold.= Fruit containing vitamin C can relieve a cold.

  eg. I have a dog which is called King.= I have a dog called King.

  2謂語結構為be + 名詞:可將be動詞同時省略,將後面的名詞和前面從句所修飾的名詞構成同位語結構。

  eg. I know YU Minhong who is the president of New Oriental School.

  = I know YU Minhong, the president of New Oriental School.

  四、先行詞為the way,後邊的關係代詞可以使that,in which或者不加任何關係代詞。

  eg. I like the way you talk.






  一時間狀語從句:when、after、as soon as

  eg. When the mouse saw the cat, it ran off = when Seeing the cat , the mouse ran off.


  eg. As she was very weak, she couldn’t move. = Being very weak , she couldn’t move.


  eg. If you work hard, you will succeed. = Working hard , you will succeed.

  eg. If we are united, we stand; if we divided, we fall. = United, we stand; divided, we fall.


  eg. Although he lived miles away, he attended the course. = Although living miles away=Living miles away


  eg. He sat in the chair reading a newspaper.

  eg. He came in, followed by his wife.


  eg. He came as we expected. =He came as he was expected.

  七結果狀語從句 eg. He fired and killed one of the passers-by. = He fired, killing one of the passers-by.





  eg. The boy ran quickly, his father following.表伴隨情況,父親主動跟隨

  eg. He lay on his back, his hands acrossed under his head.one’s hands be acrossed


  eg. They started home, theirs minds full of plans for increasing production.

  eg. He was silent for a moment, his lips tight.


  eg. He put on his socks, wrong side out.表示補充說明

  eg. The war over, all the Chinese people’s volunteers came back to China.


  eg. She came in, a baby in her arms.

  eg. He went off, gun in hand.



  eg. His homework done, Jim decided to go and see the play.

  = After his homework was done, he decided to go and see the play.


  eg. The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.

  =Because the last bus having gone, we had to walk home.


  eg. with Weather permitting, we’ll go for outing tomorrow.

  =If weather permitting, we’ll go for outing tomorrow.


  eg. They walked though the forest, with an old hunter leading the way.


  eg. He lived in a wooden house with two rooms, one being a bedroom and the other being an office.

  =He lived in a wooden house with two rooms, one was a bedroom, the other was an office.




  【1】if 引導的虛擬語氣與事實相反,過去&現在&將來


  If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.主將從現

  1表示與過去事實相反時,從句中應使用had+過去分詞,主句中用would,could,might +have+過去分詞

  eg. If you had got there earlier, you would have caught the bus.

  2表示與現在事實相反時,從句中所有的be都有were,動詞都要用過去式,主句中用would,could,might +動詞原形 eg. If there were no air, people would die.

  eg. If I had wings, I would fly over the sea to see you.

  3表示與將來事實相反時,從句中be變成were,動詞變成should+動詞原形,主句中用would,could,might +動詞原形 eg. If it were Sunday tomorrow, we would not have an examination.

  錯綜虛擬語氣:eg. If you had followed my advice yesterday, you would know how to do it now.


  eg. Had you got there earlier yesterday=if you had got…, you could have caught the bus.

  eg. Were I you=if I were you, I would help him.




  常見表示建議、命令、要求的單詞:advice, suggest, propose, recommend; order, command; demand, require, insist, urge

  eg. He suggested that we should go to tomorrow’s exhibition together.

  eg. Mike’s uncle insisted that he should not live in this hotel.


  eg. Her face suggested that she was ill. So I suggested that she should be sent to the nearest hospital immediately.


  1、It is time that ...

  It is time that sb. did sth.早該做某事了

  It is high/about time that…

  eg. It is time that you worked hard on English.

  eg. It is already 5 o’clock now, don’t you think it is time we went home?

  eg. I think it is high time that she made up her mind.

  2、Would rather that .....


  eg. I would rather he came tomorrow than today.

  eg.John would rather that she had not gone to the party yesterday evening.

  eg. I would rather everything hadn' t happened in the past.

  3、“It is was+形容詞或過去分詞+that+ should do……”結構中的虛擬語氣

  eg. It is necessary that we shouldhave a walk now.

  eg. It was necessary that we should make everything ready ahead of time.

  eg. It is required that nobody should smoke here.

  eg. It is important that every pupil should be able to understand the rule of school.

  4、as if,wish等後使用虛擬語氣

  Although it is summer, it seems as if it were spring.

  He wished we would go there with him.




  1、當首句為方位或時間副詞,謂語動詞為go,come等時通常用全部倒裝。如果是進行時態的話,倒裝後要改為一般現在時。 eg. The bus is coming here. Here comes the bus.


  eg. Students went away. Away went students.

  eg. The boy rushed out. Out rushed the boy.

  here/away/out/ 在英語當中稱作方位副詞或時間副詞。

  eg. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 方位副詞或時間副詞置於句首


  eg. The old man lives in the city center. In the city center lives the old man.

  eg. A temple stands on the mountain. On the mountain stands a temple.

  3、當句子當中出現分詞結構的時候,可以把現在分詞或過去分詞和地點狀語聯絡在一起放在句首,把be 動詞留在中間當作謂語動詞,主語放在後面。

  eg. Lying on the floor was a boy aged about 18. On the floor lies a boy aged about 18.

  eg. Sitted on the ground are a group of young people.

  eg. 訪問北京的是300名日本青年。/ 300名日本青年正在訪問北京。

  300 Japanese young people are visiting Beijing.

  Visiting Beijing are 300 Japanese young people.



  這類詞語有hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, never, few, little, less, at no time, by no means, in no case, under no circumstance, in no way, on no account, on no consideration, no longer, not only等。

  eg. He never smokes. 他從來不抽菸。Never does he smoke.

  eg. Not only did the customer complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

  這位顧客不僅僅 抱怨食物不好,還拒絕付費。

  eg. Under no circumstance do I trust you.在任何情況下我都不會相信你。


  eg. Only with you can I feel happy.

  eg. Only when you come, can we start the meeting.


  3、so......that 結構中的so位於句首時,常引起部分倒裝

  eg. He runs so fast that I can't catch up with him.


  So fast does he run that I can't catch up with him.

  eg. The moon was so bright that the flowers bright as by day.


  So bright was the moon that the flowers bright as by day.

  4、句子開頭的as 處在第二個單詞的位置上,表示雖然的意思。表讓步

  eg. Although I am young, I can live by myself. 雖然我很小但是我卻能養活自己了。

  Young as I am, I can live by myself.

  eg. Although she is a girl, she can support the whole family.


  Girl as she is, she can support the whole family.

  eg. Although I like music very much,.... Much as I like music,.....


  1hardly/ scarcely.....when.... 一......就......

  hardly,scarcely 後面一定要用過去完成時,when 後面用一般過去時。

  eg. Hardly had he seen me when he ran away. 他一看到我就跑開了。

  eg. Hardly had the baby cried when his mother rushed to carry him.


  2no sooner....than..... 一......就......

  no sooner 後面一定要用過去完成時,than 的後面用一般過去時。

  eg. No sooner had they reached home than it rained more and more heavily. 他們一到家,雨就越下越大起來。

  3the more ......the more... 越....越....

  eg. The harder you work, the happier you feel. 你工作越努力,就越覺得快樂。




  ② 如果句首出現了地點狀語,句子也可以進行全部倒裝。 ③ 當句子當中出現分詞結構的時候,可以把現在分詞或過去分詞和地點狀語聯絡在一起放在句首,

  把be 動詞留在中間當作謂語動詞,主語放在後面。


  1、當句首狀語為否定詞或帶有否定意義的詞語時,這個句子就需要部分倒裝 。


  3、so......that 結構中的so位於句首時,常引起部分倒裝 。

  4、句子開頭的as 處在第二個單詞的位置上,表示雖然的意思。


  hardly.....when....; scarcely .....when..... ;no sooner....than.....: hardly,scarcely,no sooner 後面一定要用過去完成時,when 後面用一般過去時;the more ......the more... 越....越.... ;


  eg. All the birds can not fly.

  Not all the birds can fly. 不是所有的鳥都會飛。

  1. 部分否定

  eg. All the birds can not fly. 並非所有的鳥都會飛。

  None of the birds can fly. 所有的鳥都不會飛。

  表示全部意思的代詞或副詞如all, both, every, everybody, every day, everyone, everything, everywhere等與not搭配使用時,無論not在前還是在後,都表示部分否定,意思為“並非都是"等。

  eg. All is not gold that glitters. = Not all is gold that glitters. 發光的並非都是金子。

  2. 全部否定

  英語中常用not, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never等表示全部否定的概念。

  eg. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人。


  1.在一個句子中出現兩個否定詞:not, never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, few, little, none等,雙重否定表示肯定的概念。 eg. No one can command others who cannot command himself.

  A person can command others who command himself. 正人先正己。

  eg. Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they can not fully participate in our democracy.



  eg. A man can never have too many ties. 一個男人可以擁有很多的領帶。

  A woman can never have too many dresses. 一個女人擁有再多的衣服也不為過。

  eg. We can hardly praise his achievement too much. 對他的成就我們無論怎樣讚揚也不過分。

  eg. A mother can never be patient enough with her child. 一個母親對她的孩子再怎麼耐心也不為過。

  A teacher can never be strict enough with his students. 一個老師對他的學生再怎麼嚴格也不為過。

  3. 形式肯定,意義否定

  ①more A than B 意思為“A不是B;與其說是B,不如說是A”

  eg. The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar. 這本書看起來與其說是一本語法書,不如說是一本詞典。

  He is more a composer than a singer. 與其說他是一個歌唱家不如說他是一個創作者。

  ② anything but 意思為“一點都不是,根本不是,絕對不是”

  eg. I am anything but a teacher. 我一定不是一個老師。

  eg. I will do anything but that. 我決不幹那件事。

  ③ no more ...than 與 not more ....than

  no more ...than意為“兩者都不....” not more....than 意為“兩者都肯定,前者不如後者”

  eg. This book is no more interesting than that one. 這本書和那本書一樣特別沒趣。

  eg. This book is not more interesting than that one. 這本書不如那本書有趣。

  eg. This boy is not more honest than that one. 這兩男孩都很誠實,前面的男孩不如後面的男孩誠實。

  This boy is no more honest than that one. 這兩個男孩都不誠實。

  ④ no more than與 not more than

  no more than 強調“少”,譯作“只有、不過、僅僅” not more than 是客觀敘述,意為“不超過”。

  eg. He said no more than we had expected. 他只是說了我們所預料的而已。

  eg. Though they think it takes no more than three days to fulfill the mission, I believe it takes not less than six days. 雖然他們認為完成這任務只需三天,但我卻認為至少需要六天。

  eg. He has not more than five dollars on him. 他身上帶的錢不超過五美元。

  eg. He is not more than 10 years old. 他最多不超過10歲。


  1. 部分否定

  2. 全部否定

  3. 雙重否定:①在一個句子中出現兩個否定詞;②形式否定,意義肯定

  4. 形式肯定,意義否定

  5. no more .... than與 not more ....than ;no more than與 not more than


