
General 更新 2025年03月04日

  社會生活的資訊化和經濟的全球化, 使英語的重要性日益突出。學習英語必須先從簡單的英語句子入手,英語作為最重要的資訊 載體之一,接下來小編在這裡給大家帶來,希望對你有所幫助!

  1. I have an interview next week 我下週要參加考試。

  2. Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school 當湯姆的同學還在學校苦讀時,他已經開始了自己的事業。

  3. I like writing, but I wouldn’t take it as my career 我喜歡寫作但不願以此為職業。

  4. I worked as an intern in that firm last summer 去年夏天我在那家商行實習。

  5. He’s a very efficient young man though a little proud 他是個很有能力的人,但是有點驕傲。

  6. He made a successful career in business 他的商務生涯十分成功。

  7. My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major 我表兄剛被提升為上校。

  8. He is a manager of a famous corporation 他是一家著名公司的經理。

  9. The statesman retired as the mayor of New York 那位政治家退休時是紐約市市長。

  10. He was appointed president of the committee recently 他最近被任命為那個革命會的總裁。

  11. This area is noted for its rich soil 這個地區以土壤肥沃著稱。

  12. The place is too stony for farming 這地方太多石塊,不適合耕種。

  13. In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle 在這平坦的鄉間,人們種植小麥,飼養牲畜。

  14. He has bought tractors for the village 他為村裡買了臺拖拉機。

  15. What’s the typical farm product in this region? 這個地區典型的農產品是什麼?

  16. At this time of the year farmers begin to plow their fields 每年這個時候,農民們開始犁地。

  17. Have you milked the cows? 你已經擠過奶了嗎?

  18. Pile the hay in the corner 把乾草堆到邊上。

  19. What’s the average yearly output of cars in your factory? 你們廠平均年產汽車多少臺?

  20. The meat packing industry is developing fast 肉類加工業發展迅速。

  21. Car manufacturers are having a bad time 汽車製造商的日子不好過。

  22. State-owned enterprises are getting out of difficulty 國有企業開始走上坡路。

  23. How many workshops are there in your factory? 你們廠有多少車間?

  24. The computer industry is booming 計算機業繁榮起來。

  25. The information industry helps boost the global economy 資訊業推進全球經濟發展。

  26. Do you have any hobbies? 你有什麼愛好嗎?

  27. What are you interested in? 你對什麼比較感興趣?

  28. What are your interests? 你的愛好是什麼?

  29. What do you do in your spare time? 空閒時間你幹什麼?

  30. How do you spend your evenings? 夜生活你都是怎麼過的?

  31. Lots of people like stamp collecting 許多人喜歡集郵。

  32. I am a Michael Jordan fan 我是邁克爾•喬丹迷。

  33. Does his film appeal to you? 你喜歡他的電影嗎?

  34. Do you go on picnics? 你常去郊遊嗎?

  35. I particularly like English literature 我對英國文學情有獨鍾。

  36. What’s so interesting about football? We girls don’t like it 足球有什麼意思?我們女生不喜歡它。

  37. She has a particular interest in painting 她特別愛好繪畫。

  38. I often take my mind off my work by reading an interesting novel 通常我通過閱讀小說使我的注意力從工作上轉移過來。

  39. He plays violin just for enjoyment 他拉小提琴只是為了自娛自樂。

  40. Photography is an expensive hobby 攝影是門花費很多的愛好。

  41. What’s your favorite sport? 你最喜歡什麼活動?

  42. I like football 我最喜歡足球。

  43. What position do you play? 你踢什麼位置?

  44. I’m a catcher 我是個接球員壘球運動中。

  45. Our team beat their team yesterday 昨天,我們隊打敗了他們隊。

  46. We are sure to defeat them 我們一定會打敗他們。

  47. How many years have you been playing pingpong? 你打乒乓球多少年了?

  48. My favorite winter sport is skiing 我最喜歡的動機運動是滑雪。

  49. The basketball championship is exciting 那次籃球冠軍賽真激動人心。

  50. I was on the track team years ago 十年前,我在田徑隊。
