i love you ,but you don't care
I shouldn't against myself, and should not have not to know how to appreciate favors
擡舉的英語翻譯 擡舉用英語怎麼說
可以譯為praise or promote sb. 或 favour sb
Playing with fire 找死2. Pervert !變態、流氓3. Brag ! 吹牛4. Bullshit! 廢話5. Play dumb. 裝傻6. Shameless!無恥7. Fighting one's own.起內訌8. Lucky bastard! 狗屎運9. Crass.沒10. Wise up!別傻了11. I am dead. 死定了11. Don't play innocent!別裝蒜!12. You are dreaming.你做夢!13. Behave!安分點 !14. You're so lame!你真笨!15. That's rubbish!胡扯!16. No need!免了吧!17. Blood and gore.很噁心18. Go to hell.去死吧!19. Have some decency!正經點20. Make up your mind!乾脆點 21. Sober up!清醒點22. Don't run away!別想溜23. How low-class!真低級24. stingy bastard!小氣鬼25. Poser!耍大牌26. Nerd 書呆子27. Same difference半斤八兩28. You just don't appreciate it!不識擡舉29. How did it come to this!豈有此理30. No class!真沒水準 31. bitch婊子
. Go to hell. 去死吧。2. You’re a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球! 3. Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰? 4. I don’t want to see your face! 我不願再見到你! 5. Knock it off. 少來這一套。 6. Get out of my face. 從我面前消失! 7. Get lost.滾開! 8. Take a hike! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇著去吧。 9. You piss me off. 你氣死我了。 10. It’s none of your business. 關你屁事! 11. How dare you! 你敢! 12.Cut it out. 省省吧。 13. You have a lot of nerve. 臉皮真厚。 14. I’m fed up. 我厭倦了。 15. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 16. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我聽膩了你的廢話。 17. What were you thinking? 你腦子進水啊? 18. How can you say that? 你怎麼可以這樣說? 19. Who says? 誰說的? 20. That’s what you think! 那才是你腦子裡想的! 21. You are out of your mind. 你腦子有毛病! 22. Drop dead. 去死吧! 23. Don’t give me your shoot. 別跟我胡扯。 24. Nonsense! 鬼話! 25. You’re a pain in the ass. 你這討厭鬼。 26. You’re an asshole. 你這缺德鬼。 27. You asked for it. 你自找的。 28. Get over you......
我怎麼才能知道他愛我不愛我? 20分
幫忙把這個翻譯成英文, 急需, 謝謝,
In the last dance
那個男的, 莫名其妙的走到我面前
a boy came to me indescribably
問我 要不要跟他跳舞
and asked me whether I can dance with him
I was so hesitating
but finally I was afraid to refuse him
so I said yes.
he put his hand on my waist, i felt so weird
我也是胳膊90度 搭在他肩上
and I put my arm on his shoulder
我們就這樣隨著音樂的節拍, 左一晃,右一晃
then we were just shaking around with the music's beats
還記得那首歌是 Hotel California
I still remember the song named Hotel California
中間的時候, 聽到音樂的節拍慢了下來
during the middle, I heard the beats of music was slow down
以為要結束了呢, 想趕快走
and I planed to go because I thought it's over,
how sad, the singer started again...
after a while, that boy asked what my name is
, 因為當時disco 聲音非常大,
in that moment, the Disco was so loud
就衝他大喊 “fanny” ... 好丟臉,
so I was yelling to him "fanny"....ah, that was so embarrassing
快結束時, 整個人都趴在那男的身上了,,
when it was getting over, I almost put my body on him
... 是我的頭都被晃暈了, 困死了,
...because my head was fainted around, and felt sleepy
這首歌好好聽, 記得還是在哥哥快要走的時候常聽的,,
the song was very enjoyable, and I used to play around when brother was leaving
跳完了. 他還跟我說謝謝,,
In the end, the boy thanked me
oh,my leg was impotence, how tried!
之後獨自走在回家的路上, 走得好慢
That night, in the way home, i was alone to getting back, walked slowly
晚上10點45. 到處都是 黑黑的,
22:45, everywhere 飢as balck
欣賞著這裡的夜景, 好美,好靜, 好空, 好淒涼..